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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Prayer From A Friend

Today is my 21st birthday..
Received so much mentions, wall post, and messages..
And it remind me how much I am loved and blessed :)
All the wishes really touch my heart..
Some funny, some annoying, some really sweet!
And here I wanna share one of the sweetest wishes from my friend, Jopi..

happy bday Ni!! hihihi..
doa bentar yukk.. x)
Dear God, thank u for this wonderfulday..
thankiu for another new year that You have let this sister celebrate.
thankiu for letting her celebrate it with her new heart.
thank God for everything in her life,
thank God for every lesson that You have taught her,
thank God for Your companion for her,
thank God for Your super duper great love for her life..
thank God for everything that You have given to her..
and now i want to pray..
that since now on, she will be a new creation,
Your masterpiece, Your fingerprint, Your faithful servant,
Your lovely daughter, The lady after Your own heart,
the one who obey Your words,
the one who always be in love with You,
the one who can't live without You near,
the one who just breathless without You,
the one who just wholeheartedly willing to be used by You,
for Your Kingdom cause.
i pray that she will be more n more of You, n less n less of this world.
i pray that You prepare her for bigger things,
prepare her for serving You even greater, prepare her for her life partner,
prepare her to her kids, prepare her for her new life in indo as well,
we know that You are God who will never leave us n forsake us,
and thankiu God that You are God who will always be our God.
i pray for a pure heart and childlike faith,
i pray for a heart who always long to please Your heart..
i pray for a heart who always hunger and thirst of You..
i pray for a heart that has compassion for Your lost,
i pray for a heart that is serious about Your love.
thankiu God for everything, i commit this sister, her family, her life partner, and her world, into Your Mighty hands. thankiu God for everything.
we love You, and have a good night, Dear God! Amennnn xD

Happy bday ya Niiiiii!! walopun kita jarang ngobrol2, but i am so blessed to know you, and to read your blog. wkwkkwkw.. God be with youuu ^^
have a great day ahead, with holding His hand.. hihi x)


Doanya sweet banget ga sih? Ahaha..
What an awesome prayer and it warms my heart!
Yang paling nancep dari doa itu adalah,
the one who always be in love with you

Gak pernah kepikiran buat gw sebelonnya untuk berdoa seperti itu, tapi doa dari Jopi ini ingetin gw akan pentingnya untuk ALWAYS BE IN LOVE WITH GOD. Sehingga api yang ada di dalam diri kita selalu membara dan ingin selalu menyenangkan hatiNya.

Misalnya, kalo lagi pacaran sama pacar kita nih, bawaanya pingin smsan terus, telponan, tau kabar setiap detik setiap saat dia dimana lagi apa dsb. Dan ketika lagi jatuh cinta, kita bisa melakukan hal2 yg kita pikir kita ga bisa lakukan sebelonnya. Yap, theres the power of LOVE!

Lets we pray to God, God let me always be in love with you, the one who can't live without You near, and the one who just breathless without You. Jadi ketika kita selalu jatuh cinta sama Tuhan, keinginan untuk selalu sate, merenungkan firmanNya dan mendengar suaraNya selalu ada.

Perasaan bisa pudar, masuk hubungan taun k3 mungkin udah ga seHOT awal2 pacaran. Dan gak sering kita dengar org2 bilang, Tuhan ingatkan kami Bapa akan kasih mula2 kami kepadaMu. Mungkin ada yg kepahitan ketika kita ingin sesuatu tapi gak dikasih. Ato rasa males dan hilangnya fokus kita kepada rencana Tuhan. Saya sendiri perna ngalamin itu kok, lost my focus. Males sate dsb, ke gereja cuma for the sake of coming and haha hihi with friends. Gak enak bangett deh rasanya, jiwa saya kering!

Itu membuktikan kalo hubungan dengan Dia pun harus dijaga!! Gimana caranya? Yah mendengarkan apa yg Dia mau, dan terus clinging on with His promises :) Lets each of us always be in love you..



so sweet Ni....Sangat diberkati punya sahabat yang berdoa seperti itu dan pasti diberkati sangat having u as a friend.

Hmm.....Jadi pengen berdoa gitu juga buatku dan beberapa saudaraku ^^V

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