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Thursday, June 02, 2011


Yakk, hari ini aku uda ga kerja lagi. Feelingnya mixed sih, bittersweet ninggalin LOUD! Kemaren last day of work ga berapa sedih2 banget sih soalnya nanti malem ada dinner sama Loud! peeps.

Kemarin uda cerita tentang broke up, nah pas lagi masa2 putus itu juga aku lagi handle project HTA yang super sibuk. Kebayang ga sih lagi sakit hati tapi harus tetep productive di kerjaan >.< Tapi dari sini juga salah satu jalan Tuhan untuk mold my character even more.. HTA stands for Home Team Academy, Sekolahan yang kurang lebih ajarin tentang ICA, Police, and government Singapore gitu deh.

Project yang aku kerjain nya ada annual report, visitor brochure, folder and CD template, and courses. Nah aku kebagian kerjain annual report and visitor brochure, which is the most important part. Super stress bok..
Dealing with Singapore's government is not easy. Demand mereka tinggi. Into the details, and very consistent.

Kerjaan masuk di akhir april, dan harus selsai printing delivery tanggal 16 May, so i have two weeks to finish all this 60pages of annual report, and 30pages of visitor brochure yang which is very impossible. Bisa kerja sampe mimisan gw =='' Soalnya butuh color proof, terus butuh prepare print file dll. Uda dibilang ga bisa sama si bos, tapi client ngotot dan sekali lagi client adalah raja jadi ya udah duehh gw kena getahnya!

My complains
Ngerjain ini sebel banget loh, sabtu minggu aku tetep masuk kerja untuk kerjain ini. My working hour dari jem 8pagi sampe jem 10malem tiap harinya begitu. Terus ini client suka ganti2 lagi, infonya dll. Kemaren itu HTA dateng ke kantor untuk bikin changes, terus jadilah aku having my lunch at 04.00pm! Pernah juga gara2 dya ngotot mau ganti dan harus beres, jadilah 60lembar dalem 2hari kerja. Itu aku uda kaya zombie deh.

My prayer
Tuhan tolongggggggg, ani bisa mati muda nih begini caranya.. Lord give me Your strength, Your joy and Your love God while Im doing this project. So I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

He reminds me
1. Ani kerja untuk Tuhan
As it is written "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" Colossians 3:23

This the verse that I repeat to myself every single day. When I feel the frustration rising up within me, the anger and the annoyance start to bubble over I will think upon this verse of Scripture and remember that it is God I work for.. no one else. And not for money either. (Soalnya setiap project yang aku kerjain aku dapet komisi, dan my colleague told me kalo ini HTA komisinya gede up to 500SGD)

2. Do everything in love, do it with love.
Kenapa harus love? karena ketika kita ngerjain sesuatu yang kita suka pasti kita enjoy kan?! Yah, walau susah aku belajar untuk love HTA ini.. Mikir dari sisi positif kalau ini suatu kebanggan juga bisa handle big client..

3. Do not grumble and do not complain ani!
Aku paling susah banget nahan ga ngoceh. Rasanya mau ngoceh2 sampe keluar jadi naga. Tapi aku sadar kalo segala sesuatu akan sangattt lebih gampang kalau kita tidak mengeluh. 1 Corinthians 10:10!

Instead of grumble and complain, I should give thanks. My favorite verse "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Try thankfulness, it will turn your world around ;)

4. Philippians 4:13
When everything seems so hard, and impossible, I always believe that Your grace is more than enough!! I can do all things through HIM!

There is work to do.. Deadline to meet..
I need to finish everything on time and without any mistake! Geezzz..
I need to do all that ASAP (As Soon As Possible). God knows how stressful life can be and want to ease our cares He will respond to all our needs.. yeah we need to ASAP Always Say A Prayer!!

Prayer is really a powerful tool and prayer really change things!
PUSH = Pray Until Something Happen
PULL = Pray Until Loe Liat!

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. So ayukk terus semangat bekerja diladangNya Tuhan. Tuhan yang akan selalu mencukupi akan segalanya ;)



selamat uda ga kerja!! =D enjoy your time. uda GSS kan. ayo shopping ;p



Hihi lucu juga itu PULL yagh Prayer Until Loe liat :).... salam kenal...



veri ayokkkkk kita GSS bareng! hehehe. ada IT fair lagi. imac ipon ipad imauuuu!

halo hendri salam kenal juga ;) thanks uda stop by. God bless!


anie!! lu kok uda pulang seh???? aku jg baru tau kmrn dr dep atau siapa ya lupa. katanya mo GSS barenggggg


kemaren lu ga ke gereja kemana lu? gw kan uda bilang balik 5-23june nih hehe.. abis itu ya gss na


ohiya ya.. lupa wa.. haha kmrn ada tmnku ke sini jd ga pegi grj. kekeke

Stephanie Gunawan

gw baru baca ani!! gile ye tuntutan kerjaan lu. ckck saluutt!!!


iya teph designer's life nih ==''


u made it through all these tanpa jadi naga LOL congrats sista. lama2 string deh kayak gorila wahahah


iya anitt stronger like gorila ;)

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