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Friday, September 30, 2011

The Fact Behind Cinderella Story

Yak, Majalah Pearl edisi kali ini tentang Fairy Tale in Realty.. Gw jadi meet a sisternya. Terus ada pertanyaan begini:

Setiap cewe pasti rindu dan ingin sekali punya kehidupan yang seindah dongeng, terutama dalam hal percintaan. Sayang sekali banyak dari mereka yang mencarinya dengan cara-cara yang salah. Apa tanggapanmu tentang hal ini? Apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan kepada mereka?

Gw jadi inget tentang Cinderella Story dari Disney Princess. Ada yg tau teman2? Gw hapal banget soalnya my favorite movie ever setelah Anastasia.. Gw sampe koleksi pajangan2nya gubraks deh..

Gw setuju banget kalo tiap cewe pingin punya cerita seindah fairy tale, handsome and rich man, live in beautiful castle.. Setiap cewe pasti rindu dan ngarep banget punya cerita kaya dongeng-dongeng karena otak kita kecuci dengan film-film Disney Princess. Gak salah emang nonton gituan, wong aku suka banget haha. Tapi kita harus cerdik juga untuk memilih dan menerapkan ke kehidupan sehari-hari.

Contohnya Cinderella, di cerita itu si Prince cari putrinya berdasarkan ukuran kaki! Ketika si Cinderella udah gak lagi pake gaun yang mewah dan berpenampilan cantik sang pangeran uda gak kenalin lagi kan?

Tragic isn't it? Bodohnya si Cinderella masi mau aja married sama cowo yg menilai dari luarnya aje.. Si prince mau sama si Cinderella ketika: Cinderella use tons of make up to cover her face. When she wear beautiful blue dress and awesome glass shoes. In my opinion, the real man will love woman who dress with love, cover herself with respect, and walk in the shoes of understanding.The heart of a woman is what makes her beautiful..

Dunia menekankan pada penampilan luar aja, sedangkan Bible clearly stated that charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. Proverbs 31:30. Padahal yang penting itu dalemnya. Karena yang diluar itu gak tahan lama, tapi yang di dalam itu yang tahan lama.

Sama halnya ketika kita mencari security dari dunia atau pacar kita. Gak bakal bisa puas deh, yang ada malah kecewa dengan expectation kita sendiri. Dulu gw juga pernah pacaran dan naruh semua harapan impian sama pacarku. Mencari kepuasan emosi dan haus pengakuan dari dia.

Sebelon get into serious relationship, lets each of us become a woman after God’s own heart yang fill content hanya dengan kasih-Nya dan gak mencari kepuasan dari dunia atau manusia. Karena cuma Allah yang kekal yang bisa menjanjikan kita fairy tale yang happy ending, happily ever after! Theres nothing last forever in this world, forever is one God's own!

PS: Ini foto cover DVD anastasia hihi.. *gapenting*

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Gift Of Aloneness

Many of single woman sometimes struggle with being alone. Some hate living alone, going out alone and coming home from work and eating alone. However, I love being alone.. I used to do everything by myself. I love walking down the street alone, I love eating alone, and sometimes shopping alone. I love having me-time!

Once I came back here, in my own country. I simply lost that feeling. I need to rely on my driver to drive wherever I want to go. I need permission from my parents to go to church. I need the company of my friends because I was not allowed to leave the house alone and come back home before 11.00pm latest. DANG! What a huge different here..

Here, I wont complaining about whats going on with my new life here. Maybe I just need to adapt more and understand more and take this opportunity to learn again to live under the parental authority. I lived separately with my parents and siblings for 5years, yes I do have friends that stick closer than brother, yes I have housemates for quite sometimes, yes I found my church as my second home. But I used to depend on my own self, doing this and that and be responsible with my own choice. So I basically kinda shock especially when I see transportation here is a big issue.

This Sunday I cant go to church because my driver was not around. My dad promised to drive me but in the end he changed his mind too. Some more he told me not go to church first because of the suicide bombings in solo. I was so mad and spent half of the day just crying and sleeping. :S I know his attention, he is worried. I explained the best that I could.

Just a short update about what I feel and I struggle with. Here, I want to encourage all of you that to be alone is a gift. If we are single, we have the gift of singleness for now. Do not be afraid to be alone. Everyone need to be alone, and we need to realized the gift of aloneness.

Aloneness is an investment in oneself. It's a time to recharge one's emotional and spiritual batteries, to think and pray, to gain insight or find a solution to a pressing problem, to rest after a battle or a long day, to find grace to deal with life and all of its challenges, to hear from God. -C. Hale

Before Eve was created, God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone" (Gen 2:18). That statement would surely apply to the woman as well as to Adam. While singles may be alone, we don't have to be lonely. Loneliness is an attitude, a state of mind. People can be lonely even in a crowd or at a party. It's not necessarily a lack of company that makes a person lonely. Loneliness is a decision; we can choose whether or not to be lonely. When we're lonely, it may mean that we have not yet learned to enjoy our own company.

Jesus took full advantage of his singleness and moments of aloneness or solitude. Mark 1:35 says, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."

It is when we are alone and still that God can speaks to us most exceedingly. Didn't he tell the psalmist, "Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps 46:10)? We all need moments of aloneness to hear from God, reflect, meditate and recreate.

Lets we embrace time of singleness as a special time of aloneness with God, not as a time of loneliness. Because there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecc 3:1). Make sure you live your life to the fullest so when you look back, you look with no regret at all. The point is being able to realize that it is truly a gift and a blessing from God in every situations. I embrace mine to the fullest, how about you? And for sure He will open up more things for us as we keep walking with Him :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tiga Pria

Beware!! Post ini cuma konyol2an doank..
Saya lagi ingin berbagi cerita lucu ahaha..
Here we goes..

Tiga pria meninggal dan masuk surga.
Surga mempunyai peraturan bahwa setiap orang baik jahat maupun orang baik akan mendapat kendaraan yang pantas dengan perbuatannya.

Lelaki pertama tiba dan malaikat bertanya, “Berapa tahun kamu menikah?”
Jawab lelaki pertama, “20 tahun.”
“Berapa kali kamu mengkhianati istrimu?”
Jawab lelaki pertama, “5 kali.”
“Baiklah,” jawab sang malaikat,
“Kamu boleh masuk tapi hanya mendapat Kijang.”
Lelaki pertama pun berlalu dengan Kijangnya.

Berikutnya adalah lelaki kedua. “Berapa tahun kamu menikah?”
Jawab lelaki kedua, “30 tahun.”
“Berapa kali kamu mengkhianati istrimu?”
“2 kali.”
“Lumayan… Kamu pantas mendapatkan BMW.”

Tibalah kini lelaki ketiga dan malaikat pun mengajukan pertanyaan yang sama yang dijawab si lelaki ketiga, “50 tahun.”
“Berapa kali kamu mengkhianati istrimu?”
“Tidak pernah.”
“Luar biasa! Ini kunci untuk Ferrari.”

Suatu hari, tatkala lelaki pertama dan kedua tadi tengah mengendarai
mobilnya, mereka melihat lelaki ketiga duduk di tepi jalan sambil menangis.

Mereka menghampirinya dan bertanya
“Ngapain kamu nangis? Gak puas sama Ferrari?”

Jawab lelaki ketiga sambil mengusap air matanya,
“Tadi aku berpapasan dengan istriku yang sedang naik sepeda…”

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Have A Dream

Kemaren malem gw mimpi.. dan gw mau share mimpi gw in hope to bless you guys :) Gw mimpi 2x.. Sekali gw mimpi sama temen gw si Funi (Hartono sisters) auahua.. mimpi doing konyol2 stuff.. saking kangennya kali yah :(
Dan satu lagi ini nih yg mau gw share..

Jadi ceritanya gw lagi ikut lomba.. lomba gokart gitu deh. I was doing it very well.. First round.. Second round.. And until the final round, gw ga tahan lagi mau ngecek hows the other people doing.. Jadilah gw nengok ke belakang untuk mengecek.. Dan ketika gw nengok ke belakang, tau2 gw uda kalah.. gubraks banget.. Saingan gw itu jadi juara pertama, and guess what? gw juara k4.. Disana gw sedihhh banget, dan gw nyesel kenapa gw harus nengok ke belakang and lost my focus.

Disini Tuhan ingetin gw lagi.. Sangat jelas dari mimpi ini, kalo gw ga boleh selalu liat ke belakang.. Ketika gw bangun, gw bingung kenapa yah dgn mimpi ini? Apa yah yg belon gw let go? Kayanya udah deh.. Terus gw sadar akan satu hal.. kalo gw masi kangen Singapore, masi compare Indo dan Singapore.. Masi ga bisa terima kalo here i am in my own country and God has bigger plan for me in this country.. And my time is up in singapore.

Guys, let each of us forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

Remember that all things work for our own good, tough sometimes we don't see how they could. Struggles that break our hearts in two. So when you don't understand. When you don't see His plan, when you can't trace His hand. Trust His heart because simply His ways are far beyond our ways :)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jarang Laba-laba

Saat Perang Dunia 2,seorang marinir AS terpisah dr kesatuan dan sendirian di hutan belantara. Kemudian,dia melihat sebuah goa dan bersembunyi di dalam, dengan harapan tdk akan ditemukan oleh musuhnya.

Dan sementara dia berdoa memohon pertolongan Tuhan, seekor laba2 jatuh dan mulai menenun jala di mulut goa. Walau ketakutan,tetapi dalam hati marinir ini tertawa, yang dia butuhkan adalah dinding batu utk menyembunyikannya bukan seekor laba2.

Dan sementara laba2 ini membuat jala yg berlapis2, terdengar tentara musuh yang mulai mendekat ke arahnya dan sedang memeriksa di setiap goa.

Saat tentara tiba di depan goanya,mereka memperhatikan jala tersebut dan berkata "kita tidak perlu memeriksa disini, tdk mungkin ada yg dapat masuk tanpa merusak jaring laba2 ini."

Tuhan dengan cara uniknya telah menyelamatkan marinir ini. Awalnya marinir ini tertawa melihat laba2 ini, tetapi sekarang dia sadar, bagi Tuhan sebuah jaring laba2 bahkan lebih kuat drpd dinding batu.

Demikian juga hidup kita di tanganNya, seringkali kita tidak sadar, bahwa justru pertolongan Tuhan hadir dalam wujud yang tidak dapat kita duga.
Kita hanya perlu percaya dan tetap beriman teguh padaNya.

Dia bekerja dengan cara yang ajaib, tak terduga.
And perfect timing.

Interview With God

Men: Selamat malam Tuhan, sekiranya Tuhan punya waktu sedikit aku ingin bicara.

GOD: Ooo..waktuKu adalah KEKEKALAN, tidak ada masalah tentang Waktu. Apa pertanyaanmu?

Men: Thanks.. Apa yang paling mengherankan bagiMU tentang kami manusia?

GOD: Hahaha.. kalian itu makhluk yg aneh.

*. Pertama, suka mencemaskan masa depan, sampai lupa hari ini.
*. Ke2, kalian hidup seolah olah tidak bakal mati.
*. Ke3, kalian cepat bosan sebagai anak-anak dan terburu-buru ingin dewasa. Namun stlh dewasa rindu lagi jadi anak2: suka bertengkar, ngambek, dan ribut karena soal2 sepele.
*. Lalu Ke4, kalian rela kehilangan kesehatan demi mengejar uang, tapi membayarnya kembali untuk mengembalikan kesehatan itu.
Hal2 begitulah yang membuat hidup kalian susah.

Men: Lantas apa nasihat Tuhan agar kami bisa hidup BAHAGIA?

GOD: Sebenarnya semua nasihat sudah pernah diberikan. Inilah satu lagi keanehan kalian: Suka Melupakan nasihatKU.

Baiklah Ku ulangi lagi ya beberapa yang terpenting:
1. Kalian harus sadar bahwa mengejar rejeki adalah sebuah kesalahan. Yang seharusnya kalian lakukan ialah menata diri agar kalian layak dikucuri rejeki. Jadi jangan mengejar rejeki, tetapi biarlah rejeki yang mengejar kalian.

2. Ingat: "siapa" yang kalian miliki itu lbh berharga dari pada "apa" yang kalian punyai. Perbanyaklah teman, kurangi musuh.

3. Jangan bodoh dengan cemburu dan membandingkan yg dimiliki org lain. Melainkan Bersyukurlah dgn apa yang sdh kalian terima. Khususnya, kenalilah talenta dan potensi yg kalian miliki lalu kembangkanlah itu sebaik-baiknya, maka kalian akan menjadi manusia unggul. Otomatis Rejeki yang akan mengejar kalian.

4. Ingat orang yg disebut Kaya bukanlah dia yg berhasil mengumpulkan yg paling banyak, tetapi adalah dia yang paling "sedikit" memerlukan, sehingga masih sanggup memberi kepada sesamanya. ;)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Too Busy?

I came across this poem from a friend of mine.
Dunno who wrote it, nor the title of it,
tried to search through mr. google but still cant find.
However, like my friend said this poem sort of a good reminder especially
for busy people like us.

I knelt to pray, but not for too long.
I had too much to do.
Must hurry off and get to work,
For bills would soon be due.

And so I said a hurried prayer,
Jumped up from off my knees,
My Christian duties now were done,
My soul could be at ease.

All through the day I had no time
To speak a word of cheer;
No time to speak of Christ to friends,
They’d laugh at me I feared.

No time, no time, too much to do.
That was my constant cry;
No time to give to those in need –
At least was time to die.

And when before the Lord I came,
I stood with downcast eyes;
Within His hands He held a book –
It was the “Book of Life.”

God looked into His book and said,
“Your name I cannot find,”
“I once was going to write it down,
“But never found the time.”

And my friend said this:
It gives me shiver reading the end of it. Now the questions; are we too busy with work, school, family, relationship, hobbies, or other things that has put our relationship with God at distant; where we only go to Him where we feel like it, where after a hurried prayer we feel satisfied, where we're too focussed on reaching our goal without caring about what impacts it brings to our surroundings, or where we no longer have compassion for those in needs.

Our busyness right now can cost us forever. Remember, if we're heading in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns...

Have a blessed day busy people, but never too busy for God :)

Jessica Tandayu

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Thing I Ask

Too much things going on in my mind..
I cant sleep :( Its 3am in the morning!!
And this is the result of my boredom..

One thing I ask,
one answer to calm my raging seas.

One worry to conquer,
one lesson to learn.

One path to discover,
one right turn to make.

One problem to weigh,
one moment of gladness.

One glimpse of the sunlight,
one touch of the rain.

One night through the storm,
one seen the light.

One thing I ask,
one hand to lead me.

Take my hand
Lead me on
Let me stand

I am tired
I am weak
I am worried

Through the storm
Through the night
Lead me on to the light
Lead me home

Let Go and Let God

Pas dulu dimasa2 struggle gw karena putus, temen komsel gw si Ms.Ng kasi gw link kotbah ini. Dan sekarang disaat saya lagi glommyyy gajebo keinget kotbah ini lagi.. Really helps me alot.. and I wanna share with you guys in hope to bless you too :) Here's the excerpt from this blog. And if you watch the video, click here. Enjoy :D

· It’s easy to get focused on what we want and let it consume us. We won’t be happy until we get it. But that’s being out of balance. Some say I won’t be happy until I get a husband, others say I won’t be happy until I get rid of this husband

· If your dreams are causing you to be frustrated it’s a sign you’re holding on too tightly. What’s the solution? Release it. Joel isn’t saying give up on your promises but let go of that anxiety. God even if it never happens I’m still going to be happy and trust you. I’d love to get accepted by this college but if it never happens I’ll still happily serve you. That shows the enemy he can’t frustrate you. That shows God that you trust Him

· Abraham had to put his own son on the altar. God just wanted to know that nothing was more important than Him. Show God you don’t need that promotion in order to be happy. Even if I never get better I’ll still smile and be good to people. When you put it on the altar and say I won’t get upset because it didn’t happen on my time table, God knows you trust Him

· A lady was believing for her husband to come to church with her for years. She did everything she could to get him to come to church. He wouldn’t come. After a year or so it began to frustrate her. She’d come down for prayer upset and discouraged. Pastor Joel said let it go, turn it over to God. If he never comes, God I’m still going to be happy

· Like Abraham put the thing that means the most to you on the altar. Some of you have things you need to let go of. People that are frustrating you because they won’t change. God I know only You can change people. It’s up to You. There’s a freedom in releasing it

· Joel isn’t saying give up on your dreams; release your worry and frustration. The woman let it go and started enjoying her life. I made up my mind I’ll be happy right where I am. About 2 years later her husband said I want to come to church with you and he’s been coming ever since

· Maybe you’ve stood for a long time without results and now it’s starting to wear you down. It’s time to give it to God. Lord I want this but I don’t have to have it in order to be happy. Psalm 31:14-15: But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me. We don’t have to struggle in order to make things happen. God controls the whole universe. Our future is in His hands

· At age 28 Oprah was a reporter at a TV station when she read the Color Purple and it changed her life. She’d hidden her own abuse before that. It inspired her. When she heard they were making a movie she wanted to be in it. She did all she could. She auditioned but didn’t hear back. Months went by. She got discouraged. She was convinced it was because she was too heavy. She went away to a health retreat to lose 50 pounds. She realized that dream had consumed her. All her energy and focus was on it. As she was out running on the track she began singing I surrender all, all to Jesus... She released it and put the dream on the altar. A few days later, Steven Spielberg called her and said you’ve got the part but if you lose one pound you’re out. Something happens when you put a dream on the altar. It’s very powerful to say God I’m giving it to you. You know what I want but I’m surrendering to Your way. My plans don’t have to work out in order for me to be happy

· Joel & Victoria found a home they really wanted and made an offer. For weeks they didn’t hear anything. They claimed it and prayed over it, etc. They raised their offer – nothing. They went on vacation but were still consumed with the house. God told Joel do you still want the house even if I have something better in store. Joel said God You know best. They released it, God not our will but Yours be done. What looks like a disappointment is just another step in the process towards divine destiny. There’s freedom in giving control to Him. You don’t get discouraged because a door closed and it didn’t work out. God I’m letting go of having to have it my way. I believe God you are directing our steps. They bought another house and sold it for twice what they paid

· You’re stressed out because it’s taking longer than you thought it would. God is in complete control of your life. There is nothing going on right now that has to keep you from being happy. When you release the situation you’re releasing your faith. When God says it’s time nothing will be able to stop it

· Pastor John was the first to be saved in his family. At 17 he gave his life to Christ and became a successful minister. John would try to preach to his family, especially his father. Everyone got saved except his father. Then Pastor John released it to God, he couldn’t make him change/saved. He didn’t give up on the promise and stop praying but he stopped worrying and being frustrated. Years went by and nothing seemed to happen. One day John was a guest minister and his father walked in and sat on the back row. In the middle of the message he got up and went to the platform and stood next to him and said I’m finishing today what I started 30 years ago. John led him to Christ right in front of the church. Over 30 years ago the father had been caught in a snowstorm and prayed for the first time. He said if You will let me live I will serve You. He woke up warm and safe. Joel’s grandfather joined that church and he became an usher and served every single service. He passed out gospel tracks everywhere he went

· When you release it to God it allows Him to work in amazing ways. God is working behind the scenes. The seed has already been planted. God I trust You. I don’t see a way but I know You have a way. 1 Peter 2:6 and he who believes in Him [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] shall never be disappointed or put to shame

· It doesn’t mean you won’t have temporary disappointments but somewhere down the road it will work out. Life is too short to go through it waiting to be happy. Decide to be happy right where you are. You don’t need all those other things in order to be happy. God I won’t get frustrated if it doesn’t happen my way. I’ll put on my shoes of peace. I’ll turn it over to You so You can go to work

· It takes maturity to say not my will but Yours be done. Man trained for 1920 Olympics. He was good at canoeing. He’d won many competitions and he was the favorite to win the gold. His wife was pregnant and her due date was at the same time as the Olympics. He decided he wouldn’t miss the birth of his son. He did all that training only to miss that opportunity. He put that dream on the altar. His son was born and eventually won the gold medal at the Olympics. He gave it to his father. He got his gold medal 24 years later and it meant more because his son gave it to him

· God has a way of working everything out. God I’m going to let You do it Your way. I may have setbacks but I know I won’t be permanently disappointed. All these people had disappointments but they’re not disappointed now. If you have to have it in order to be happy then the enemy can use it against you. Leave here freer and lighter. Some are struggling trying to make a dream come to pass.

· You’re not God. That’s not your job. God is in control. God already knows what you want. Learn to trust Him. Your future is in good hands. He knows what’s best for you. He’s already planned out your days for good. He’ll lead you and guide you in the best plan for your life. You’ll become everything He’s created you to be

God I'm giving U control of my life
I will let U do it in Ur way, in Ur time table
God U know my dreams
U know the things I like to see happens
The situation I like to see turns around
God I will do my best
I will pray, I will believe, I will stay in faith
But I'm not going to be frustrated if it don't happen my way
God I don't have to have my plans to work out
In order for me to be happy
I know U know what's best for me
That's what it means let go and let God

God is always working behind the scene
Just because u don't see anything happening
Doesn't mean God is not working

God I trust You
I don't see Your way but I know You have the way

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just An Update

Holla! Im back! Tapi ini hanya simple update whats going on in my life.. Banyak yg mau saya tulis, beberapa:
-. My 21st birthday :)
-. Prayer From A Friend
-. Last Night in Singapore
-. Sweet Surprise

Wooowww banyak banget yakk, 4biji ngutang dulu dah :( Ini mac saya baru sehat kembali. Kemaren2 soalnya dia ngambek. Lagi males update blog banget, tapi gw dapet shout out dari Little Stalker yg suru update blog gw, what an encouragement tau kalo blog gw dikangenin ahah! sama mo share sama tmn2 yg di singapore gw ngapain aja sih..

Mau cerita hari ini gw lagi glommyyy abis, mulai dari nabrak pager rumah kena omel terus gw kangen singapore banget, well actually i miss my xplode i miss my activity there! And come across my mind, what the heck am i gonna do here?? Gw lagi reschedule my timeline, super sibuk dengan update2 portfolio, cari2 observe company i want etc, belajar mobil. etc. STRES cari gereja, cari komunitas!

And this sermon came across my mind, let go and let God. You can watch it here. Yeah, so many confusing in this post yah! I need your prayer support guys! :) Thanks!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Last Night In Singapore

Wondering what am I doing on my last night in Singapore?
Looking back 5years ago, I dislike this country.
I miss my family alot!! And my dogs too!
Not seldom I think, am i taking the right choice going here?
But it was 5years ago!!

Now, I love this country as much as I love my own country.
I love taking BMW Bus MRT and Walking.
Only 8mins from my house to church!
Safety, clean and all the law regulation very clear!
And of course cheaper branded stuff! :p

Praise God, I met Place Of Faith.
This is the place that help me grow into Christ-likeness.
I found my second family, LOGers!
I found friend that stick closer than brother :)
I found God's calling and His gift in my life, the most precious thing of all!

Okay, back again.. what am i doing on my last nite here?
Fondueee with Hartono's sisters! :)
Fondue is one of our favorite activity, despite of watching scary movie, sleeping, and crazy chit-chat over night..

Here's our picture and am sorry for the poor quality.

Take one, ini loh bahan2 yang dibutuhkan gampang aje!

Take two, buah2an yg kita pake pisang, lengkeng, anggur.

Take three, belon siap uda di poto swt dah!

Take four, better lah :)

Take five with the oldest hartono's sisters wkwkwk :D

Foto-fotonya tampang kita kaya pembantu semua ye!
Ini dah satu foto kita yang cantik :S ahaha ;p

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Prayer From A Friend

Today is my 21st birthday..
Received so much mentions, wall post, and messages..
And it remind me how much I am loved and blessed :)
All the wishes really touch my heart..
Some funny, some annoying, some really sweet!
And here I wanna share one of the sweetest wishes from my friend, Jopi..

happy bday Ni!! hihihi..
doa bentar yukk.. x)
Dear God, thank u for this wonderfulday..
thankiu for another new year that You have let this sister celebrate.
thankiu for letting her celebrate it with her new heart.
thank God for everything in her life,
thank God for every lesson that You have taught her,
thank God for Your companion for her,
thank God for Your super duper great love for her life..
thank God for everything that You have given to her..
and now i want to pray..
that since now on, she will be a new creation,
Your masterpiece, Your fingerprint, Your faithful servant,
Your lovely daughter, The lady after Your own heart,
the one who obey Your words,
the one who always be in love with You,
the one who can't live without You near,
the one who just breathless without You,
the one who just wholeheartedly willing to be used by You,
for Your Kingdom cause.
i pray that she will be more n more of You, n less n less of this world.
i pray that You prepare her for bigger things,
prepare her for serving You even greater, prepare her for her life partner,
prepare her to her kids, prepare her for her new life in indo as well,
we know that You are God who will never leave us n forsake us,
and thankiu God that You are God who will always be our God.
i pray for a pure heart and childlike faith,
i pray for a heart who always long to please Your heart..
i pray for a heart who always hunger and thirst of You..
i pray for a heart that has compassion for Your lost,
i pray for a heart that is serious about Your love.
thankiu God for everything, i commit this sister, her family, her life partner, and her world, into Your Mighty hands. thankiu God for everything.
we love You, and have a good night, Dear God! Amennnn xD

Happy bday ya Niiiiii!! walopun kita jarang ngobrol2, but i am so blessed to know you, and to read your blog. wkwkkwkw.. God be with youuu ^^
have a great day ahead, with holding His hand.. hihi x)


Doanya sweet banget ga sih? Ahaha..
What an awesome prayer and it warms my heart!
Yang paling nancep dari doa itu adalah,
the one who always be in love with you

Gak pernah kepikiran buat gw sebelonnya untuk berdoa seperti itu, tapi doa dari Jopi ini ingetin gw akan pentingnya untuk ALWAYS BE IN LOVE WITH GOD. Sehingga api yang ada di dalam diri kita selalu membara dan ingin selalu menyenangkan hatiNya.

Misalnya, kalo lagi pacaran sama pacar kita nih, bawaanya pingin smsan terus, telponan, tau kabar setiap detik setiap saat dia dimana lagi apa dsb. Dan ketika lagi jatuh cinta, kita bisa melakukan hal2 yg kita pikir kita ga bisa lakukan sebelonnya. Yap, theres the power of LOVE!

Lets we pray to God, God let me always be in love with you, the one who can't live without You near, and the one who just breathless without You. Jadi ketika kita selalu jatuh cinta sama Tuhan, keinginan untuk selalu sate, merenungkan firmanNya dan mendengar suaraNya selalu ada.

Perasaan bisa pudar, masuk hubungan taun k3 mungkin udah ga seHOT awal2 pacaran. Dan gak sering kita dengar org2 bilang, Tuhan ingatkan kami Bapa akan kasih mula2 kami kepadaMu. Mungkin ada yg kepahitan ketika kita ingin sesuatu tapi gak dikasih. Ato rasa males dan hilangnya fokus kita kepada rencana Tuhan. Saya sendiri perna ngalamin itu kok, lost my focus. Males sate dsb, ke gereja cuma for the sake of coming and haha hihi with friends. Gak enak bangett deh rasanya, jiwa saya kering!

Itu membuktikan kalo hubungan dengan Dia pun harus dijaga!! Gimana caranya? Yah mendengarkan apa yg Dia mau, dan terus clinging on with His promises :) Lets each of us always be in love you..

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Purity In Friendship

Siapa yang setuju kalau nemuin true friend, real friend, best friend or apalah itu adalah salah satu hal yang tersulit? Yap, for me I truly agree. Tidak sulit untuk nemuin teman HAHA HIHI, temen hang out bareng untuk sekedar have fun. Tapi it took months or even years (for me) to discover who your true friend is. The one that will stick with you not only through the good happy moments but also through your darkest time.

Reliable Friends are Hard to Find. Proverbs 20:6 said “Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?” And faithful friends are a rare treasure, “There are ‘friends’ who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24. Aku juga perna denger, untuk nemuin sahabat. Jadilah seorang sahabat terlebih dahulu :) Setiap dari kita pasti mempunyai kerinduan yang besar untuk punya friendship yang sehat kan? Bukan hanya sekedar teman yang baik, tapi juga ikatan pertemanan yang baik.

Persahabatan yang Tuhan inginkan itu persahabatan yang seperti apa sih? Tentunya kita juga harus memilih-milih dengan siapa kita mau bersahabat dan berkarib dekat, why? Because the wrong friends can have a negative influence. Proverbs 22:24–25 said “Don’t be friend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to be like”. Di 1 Korintus 15:33 juga dijelaskan bahwa rusaknya kebiasaan yang baik disebabkan oleh pergaulan yang buruk. Tapi bukan ini berarti kita menolak mereka loh ya.

So what is the meaning of friendship? Friendship is about not what we can get from others, but how we can draw others to Jesus and be His hands and feet. Di mana kita gak lagi mementingkan keinginan sendiri, tapi mendahulukan kepentingan teman kita. Di mana kita gak take them for granted, ada udang di balik batu. Tetapi sungguh-sungguh mengasihi sahabat kita. Love always put others first. And love is about giving.

Balik lagi, bukan hanya dalam pacaran aja tapi dalam friendship juga. Tuhan harus menjadi centre of our friendship. Untuk menjaga persahabatan itu gampang-gampang susah loh. Karena itu dibutuhkan tangan Tuhan untuk menjaganya. Dan kadang sahabat kita bisa jadi salah satu our comfort zone loh! Karena udah deket bangetttt dan jadi apa-apa sama dia, apa-apa kebiasaan ditemenin ama dia, ada masalah cerita juga sama dia bukan cari Tuhan dulu. Dan terjadilah emotional dependency and controlling. Well, sounds like hubungan dengan pacar yah? Di sinilah pentingnya selalu menempatkan dan percaya pada Tuhan di atas segalanya, He is our top priority dan He will guide our path straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Tapi gimana cara kita menghadapi keadaan yang menjadi sulit dan persahabatan kita jadi berantakan? Bagaimana kita berurusan dengan teman yang kritis dan cemburuan? Bagaimana sikap kita menghadapi kesulitan dalam persahabatan? Bagaimana kalau teman kita jadi berubah jauh?
The God girl has confidence in her God and in His sovereignty, and therefore she never panics. She doesn’t retaliate when friend get nasty. She doesn’t have to fight; she has to love. She doesn’t demand loyalty of anyone but herself. And so when things get tough, she remains calm, kind, and hopeful. –God girl, pg.31

Ayo teman-teman mari kita punya hati yang lebih lagi untuk sahabat-sahabat kita dan terus bawa friendship kita ke dalam tangan Tuhan. Mungkin kamu merasa kamu bukanlah seorang teman yang baik, pernah melakukan kesalahan di masa lalu. Tapi love takes practice, kita akan selalu membuat kesalahan tapi jangan lihat kesalahan itu sebagai alasan untuk menyerah. Ask God to teach you how to love others like how He has loved you :) You can be the most amazing friend by the power of the living God.

Written for Majalah Pearl 05 - Beauty of Holiness
