This topic blow my mind away. I do have my own dreams and goals for future, I do have yearly resolution to be met. But never think of about setting goals before I am turning to 30. Thanks Ci Lia for great reminder :D And here's my wishes, dream and goals..
1. Salvation of my family
Tho this seems the hardest, yet this is my first priority. I have spent countless days and night praying for the salvation of my family. Asking God to knock real hard on the door of their hearts. There are time whereby I just felt so tired to pray, because up to now my parents still didn't believe in God. Yet I can see God's grace is moving in the mids of my family. I am clinging to His promises; "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."
2. Happily married and have two kids
HAHA!! You might sayin I'm crazy here, but it is true that I wish to get married in young age.. like 23 to 25. Having my first sweetpea at 25y.o followed by second cutiepie at 28y.o and when I reach 30, another twins baby. My main goal is to be housewife, building godly marriage with God fearing man so together me and my house hold we will serve the Lord. TepGun and Louisa kinda shock when they both know that I want to become housewife. Louisa said, what? why? you have many talents nie. She said like that, maybe because she know that I do design, freelance job and tho I'm not perfect I perform well in my work place. Do I find it unfavorably if I leave my job and focuss on housework? Not at all! Am not saying that becoming business woman is a bad thing, of course not. Every woman have different dreams and goal. For me, I just can't imagine my self wearing limited designer dress, carry luxury bag, and sit with prominent people in multinational company yet my husband can't see me as his wife and my kids stick closer with my maid rather than with me. Nightmare! I wanna be that kind of woman who watches over the affairs of my household and does not eat the bread of idleness. My children arise and call me blessed; my husband also, and he praises me: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
3. Running my own business
My first priority is become housewife but I like to have side job so I can earn extra money for saving. I want to do work because I love doing it, not only because I need a specific outcome to make me happy. That's real success. I want to do what I love because I love doing it and eventually money will find me. Inner joy plus hard work attracts abundance.
4. Have my own house and car
Hopefully before I get married, I can have house and car by my own. Because house and car are primary needs in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. Minimalist and small house will do :) My house will be called house of blessing. When people enter my house they can feel the warmth of God's love.
5. Memorized the streets in Jakarta
When it comes to remembering road, I can't help it -________- It's been a year I stayed at Jakarta, I only can remember the road from my house to office, my house to church at CP that's all. Ironic isn't it?
6. Upgrade my cooking and baking skill
When I reach 30, hopefully I can cook 70 different types of food. Too much? Oh well, maybe 50? Oh well, at least when my hubby eat, he will not get food poisoning. LOL
7. Sponsoring total of 3 children
For more information you may visit here.
8. Go to Maldives and Cedar Point
Maldives is a perfect place to have honey under the moon! Going to romantic place with a man of your dream ooo.. And how about Cedar Point? My friend, Fani and I made a pinky promise to go together to Cedar Point. Cedar Point received golden ticket award for the best amusement pack in the WORLD for the past 15 years. WOW!! We want to find out why they can get the reward for the 15th consecutive year! Can you imagine how beautiful the park is? So excited!! Dreaming baby dreaming.. Visit Cedar Point website here.
I love boooksssss.
10. Deeper intimacy with God
Last but not least, every year I wanna grow deeper and deeper in love with God. We're living in uncertain times, and more and more, I find that I'm aware of just how fragile life can be. I want to tell the world I've found a love that turned my life around. They need to know that they can taste and see. Now every day, I'm praying Just to give my heart away.. I want to live for Jesus so that someone else might see that He is more than everything to me.
2. Happily married and have two kids
HAHA!! You might sayin I'm crazy here, but it is true that I wish to get married in young age.. like 23 to 25. Having my first sweetpea at 25y.o followed by second cutiepie at 28y.o and when I reach 30, another twins baby. My main goal is to be housewife, building godly marriage with God fearing man so together me and my house hold we will serve the Lord. TepGun and Louisa kinda shock when they both know that I want to become housewife. Louisa said, what? why? you have many talents nie. She said like that, maybe because she know that I do design, freelance job and tho I'm not perfect I perform well in my work place. Do I find it unfavorably if I leave my job and focuss on housework? Not at all! Am not saying that becoming business woman is a bad thing, of course not. Every woman have different dreams and goal. For me, I just can't imagine my self wearing limited designer dress, carry luxury bag, and sit with prominent people in multinational company yet my husband can't see me as his wife and my kids stick closer with my maid rather than with me. Nightmare! I wanna be that kind of woman who watches over the affairs of my household and does not eat the bread of idleness. My children arise and call me blessed; my husband also, and he praises me: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
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Courtesy of rialee |
My first priority is become housewife but I like to have side job so I can earn extra money for saving. I want to do work because I love doing it, not only because I need a specific outcome to make me happy. That's real success. I want to do what I love because I love doing it and eventually money will find me. Inner joy plus hard work attracts abundance.
4. Have my own house and car
Hopefully before I get married, I can have house and car by my own. Because house and car are primary needs in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. Minimalist and small house will do :) My house will be called house of blessing. When people enter my house they can feel the warmth of God's love.
5. Memorized the streets in Jakarta
When it comes to remembering road, I can't help it -________- It's been a year I stayed at Jakarta, I only can remember the road from my house to office, my house to church at CP that's all. Ironic isn't it?
6. Upgrade my cooking and baking skill
When I reach 30, hopefully I can cook 70 different types of food. Too much? Oh well, maybe 50? Oh well, at least when my hubby eat, he will not get food poisoning. LOL
7. Sponsoring total of 3 children
For more information you may visit here.
8. Go to Maldives and Cedar Point
Maldives is a perfect place to have honey under the moon! Going to romantic place with a man of your dream ooo.. And how about Cedar Point? My friend, Fani and I made a pinky promise to go together to Cedar Point. Cedar Point received golden ticket award for the best amusement pack in the WORLD for the past 15 years. WOW!! We want to find out why they can get the reward for the 15th consecutive year! Can you imagine how beautiful the park is? So excited!! Dreaming baby dreaming.. Visit Cedar Point website here.
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Courtesy of google |
9. Bookshelf
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Courtesy of google |
Last but not least, every year I wanna grow deeper and deeper in love with God. We're living in uncertain times, and more and more, I find that I'm aware of just how fragile life can be. I want to tell the world I've found a love that turned my life around. They need to know that they can taste and see. Now every day, I'm praying Just to give my heart away.. I want to live for Jesus so that someone else might see that He is more than everything to me.
Hm, interesting.. 10 things before 30.. Seems would write some as well hehe
ngiriiiiii euy yg masih muda, huehehehe... bs planning jalan2. klo dah merid en punya anak yg namanya travelling bakalan jauh lebih susah, hihihi..
mendukung bgt bt ani terus menabur doa dan juga ksaksian hidup dlm kluarga. ciayo ni, semangat yak. dulu waktu aku masih the first and only believer in my family wuiiih rasanya berat bt liat adanya ptobatan en pmulihan klrgaku but Tuhan dasyat bgt bkerja di luar pemikiranku.
salut sm km yg emang pgn jd SAHM ( stay at home mom ) or WAHM ( working at home mother ). btw klo mo punya twins, kudu pnya PH yg ada keturunan twins dong ni? but engga juga sih si sinta xie bs punya twins mski gada garis keturunan twins. aku sih demen bgt liat anak twins tp gak sanggup deh ah hamil en ngegedeinnya. hihihi
semangat yak ni, sering2 buka postingan yg ini oke?
@xang thio.. haha ayo tulis, bisa buat jadi great reminder juga :D
@ci lia.. iyaaa ciiii mumpung masih muda dan jantung masih kuat wuakaka jadi mau ke cedar point. dan sama suami mau honeymoon, babymoon, sailormoon lama2 LOL!
akuuu juga sempet kepikiran sih ci, kayanya ga sanggup deh ya urusin twins soalnya aku mini size gini >.< banyak denger cerita urus satu aja susah blabla. tpi tetep aja kayanya pengen gituu. haha.. iyaa let's see lah klo emang God's will kasi aku twins ya He will bring me go through it ahahaha..
iyaaa sering2 aku baca dan inget. ntar pas aku uda 30.. 8 years from now.. pengen baca sambil ketawa2 which means aminnn semua tergenapi ahhaa
ni, yg no. 6 gak spesifik tuh. gmn km bs mgukur 'kberhasilan' kamu nanti. tulis dong misalnya : by the time i am 30 kudu uda bisa masak 80 macam masakan ( jadi belajar 10 macam masakan / tahun ) or gmn deh tserah km.
mini size mah bukan halangan non, klo bsedia dibentuk Tuhan ( distrech kapasitasnya ) hihihi.. klo emang dkasih twins yah brarti God will provide extra grace juga :)
Anniiii, deep inside my heart aku juga pengen loh jadi SAHM... pengen liat pertumbuhan anak in detail :) that would be so amazing! Huehehe, urus twins itu kaya nya asik ya, ak juga mau ah :p
Anii, semangat for 10things before 30 !
mau married 23 or 25, udah ada calon PH ya skrg ? hihihihi
Semangat Aniiii...!!! Masi jauh tuh nyampe umur 30, kamu punya banyak waktu *ngiri, hahaha*
Hii .. keep up the spirit for your dreams !! Like it! Most of ur dreams are the same like me! Salvation of family, house of blessing, even maldives and books!! Love to read it! Yes, there will be a Godly man for you to make it comes true too! Amenn #hugs
@ci liaa.. uda aku spesifikin tuh hehe. thanksss cii
@dhieta.. hahah twins emang gemesinn ya :D
@felhis.. cowonya masi dipaket Tuhan nih haha..~~ aku emang ga mo pacaran lama2 kok, 1-2taon is enough hehe jadi pas lah married 23-25 huakakak.
@mega.. semangat juga untuk kamu.. 2tahun masih bisa melakukan banyakk hall kok
@leticia.. wow, feels great knowing someone shared the same interest, dreams and goals with me :) yes, there will be a man who will sweep my feet off. and i will wait faithfully until that moments. thanks and hugssss you too :D
no. 9 gue juga pengenn bangtt... dari zaman gue sma gue pgn banget pnya ruang buku sendiri.. or setidaknya punya rak buku untuk semua koleksi buku2 gue. heheheh ^^
i'm agree with you. ^^
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