Alright back to the topic, here is the question that she asked on my previous post "Semua cowo sama"
I knew a guy..dia takut akan Tuhan..tapi dia mendekati teman baiknya yang sudah berpasangan..bahkan menyuarakan perasaannya yaitu suka dan cinta kepada teman baiknya yang sudah berpasangan karena pasangan teman baiknya itu di anggap rusak dan sebagainya, saat pasangan tersebut putus dia langsung mengambil kesempatan he still Godly man?An Interesting question isn't it? Thanks for leaving such a question! Firstly I thought to reply right away after your comments, then I realize it become too long so I decided to post here :) I will try to answer the question and I hope it will give you an insight and not confuse you. And any opinions, feedback and suggestions are more than welcome. Let's discuss! :D
Dear anonymous,
Well, I cant say much whether is he still godly man? Because we can't judge people only based on one action he did, rite?
Maybe you may check, when he confessed his feeling to you, did he take any action to chasing you? Tho he know that you are in relationship already. If yes, then personally for me, its not wise. Knowing that someone you sympathy of already in relationship yet you still chasing over them.
However, no one is perfect and you know hard it is to guard your heart and control the feeling. Moreover, love is one the greatest feeling above all. I know that it's not wise to judge someone by his past but it is good to consider his past when he offer you something. But people do change, and once we make Jesus the center of our life, everything change. Really change. For better. We often heard that Christian is not about religion but its about lifestyle. Then you may know is he really a man after God's own heart by his action, his words, and the decision that he make will always based on God's will. Counsel to your parents, kakak rohani, bestfriend, and most of all ask wisdom from God. As with all matters of the heart, you will know when you find the answer.
If now, you want to consider him as your future spouse then in my opinion is.. you need to forgive him for whatever he did in the past. Knowing that he ever did it to you, no doubt you may have the feeling/ thinking that he will do the same thing to other girl (confessing his feeling to some boy's gf). Before start the relationship with him, you must have the confidence and secure enough that he is a man that you can follow, a man that know no compromise when it comes to the word of God.
One thing to remember, forgiveness is a promise not a feeling. A promise that you will never use his past sins against him :)
well said, ani...
Hai ni,...
uhmmmm stuju nie..
klo mnrt gw sendiri ya, klo gw sbg cewe yg lg didekati,gw bisa aja putus krn gw ngeliat sisi bae dr cowo yg lagi deketin gw(tmn bae gw itu)
dan mgkn scr ga langsung dan scr ga sadar, itu jd alasan gw utk mutusin si cowo gw..
Godly man? spt nya ga bisa judge dia Godly man/ gw krg stuju klo ngejar cewe dg nunggu kesempatan spt itu..
Seorang Godly man kelihatan dr cara dia berbicara dan bertindak sesuai dg Firman Tuhan..*setuju banget*
*mnrt gw yah hehe*
Leniii hihi..
Kalo menurut gw sih, kalo gw sampe putus karena gw melihat temen bae gw itu lebih baik dari cowo gw sekarang.. berarti gw sama aja donk, batu sandungan? Karena saya tidak bisa setia pada satu org saja hehe. Menurut gw sih, diatas langit selalu ada langit. Dan sekali kita make commitment untuk sama seseorang, ya kita harus stick to it. No matter ada berapapun cowo baikk ganteng tajir yg deketin kita. Well, itu menurut gw sih hehe.
Dan kalau sampai adanya perselingkuhan/ putus hubungan yg terjadi. gw selalu berpikir, bukan karena adanya org ketiga. Tapi karena kita berdua yang bermasalah (gw dan pasangan gw). Karena kalau hubungan kita berdua kuat, gw dan si doi sama-sama dewasa.. mau dirayu gimana juga ga akan bisa sih hehe..
yapp betulll..
maksud gw sih ni, lebi ke cowonya..kayaknya gw ga setuju klo ada cowo yg ngejar gw disaat gw lagi bermasalah ama pasangan gw, karna yah mnrt gw krg gentle seh hihihi
kalo mau kan pake persaingan sehat..klo bicara secara manusiawi ya pasti manusia ngeliat sesuatu lebih ke fisik terlebih dahalu,,tp kalo anak Tuhan pasti membina hubungan dgn komitmen dan kepercayaan...dan ujung2na kyk yg u blg, mau dirayu gmn pun gak akan mempan
oya tambahan lagi..
klo misalnya setelah pacaran dan pasangan kita itu malah ga bs pegang komitmen dan terus narik kita ke dlm dosa, gw rasa hub itu ud ga sehat dan meskipun gw uda komitmen ama dia, tp klo dia sendiri ga bisa bawa gw ke arah yg lebi bae mgkn mnrt gw, gw harus nanya Tuhan lg dan gw siap utk mutusin hub gw dg dia karena klo dia bkn pasangan yg dr Tuhan pasti dia jg ga bisa bawa hub kami itu ke hub yg didasarkan atas takut akan Tuhan..
ad kejadian tmn gw sech, dia pacaran dg org ga seiman, dan cowo itu mau ikt dia k greja, tp pas uda lama2 gt uda ga mau lagi ke gereja dg byk alasan..Uda gt masi dilanjutkan hingga tahap merid.cowo itu pindah ke Kristen dan dibaptis..uda merid,sama sekali ga mau k greja atau ikt persekutuan..skrg uda pny anak lagi,dan tmn gw jg susah mau bawa anaknya ke gereja..jadi mnrt gw, emank betul2 tanya Tuhan dl lha stiap kali kita mau berkomitmen dg seseorang,,mgkn karna cinta kita bs anggap hal2 spt agama itu emank bnr2 ada harga yg harus dibayar...
yahh jadi pjg comment nya...
just sharing...
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