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Sunday, September 08, 2013

A Letter To Single Girls

Dear Single Girl,

I don’t know you personally, yet, but there are a few things I want to tell you with the hope that I will get to know you some day. Actually, there are 5 things I want you to know:

1. How to get a man’s attention. The guy that you are looking for isn’t attracted to charm as much as he is Godliness because beauty fades but Godliness GROWS (1 Peter 3:3-5). I know that the culture will tell you that guys are turned away and intimidated by girls that love Jesus and have strong values and convictions. Culture is wrong; boys may be turned away by strong convictions, but men are not. Be the woman God has called you to be, and a godly man will notice.

2. Run from “Prince Charming”. Some girls seem to give attention to every smooth talker and cool dresser that comes their way. Please don’t do that; be patient and wait on a man who is concerned with pursuing Jesus, not another trophy. Only give the GROWING, God fearing man a chance to pursue you. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain (Prov 31:30).

3. I am just a guy, not a god. A guy will crumble under the weight of being your god. No other person can complete you or make you happy. There are lots of great physical and emotional benefits that come from a relationship, but none of it is enough to sustain a healthy loving marriage if your faith is not in Jesus. No guy will complete you, so don’t put him on that pedestal (he will fall).

4. Don’t wait on me, pursue Jesus. From my male perspective, there is nothing more attractive than a woman being obedient to Jesus and taking the risk to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Too many times I notice girls in the church just sitting and waiting on a man to come and rescue them from a life of boredom. When it comes time for me to pick a partner, I want somebody that can follow me on an adventure, not someone that is used to doing nothing and complaining about the fact that no one is interested in them. Pursue Jesus and I will pursue you when He gives me the green light.

5. Time is not running out. Singleness is a gift, not a curse. You want to be beautiful? Put your hope in God and don’t give way to fear; trust his timing (1 John 4:18). Don’t waste your single years by always waiting on what is next and turning yourself into a man chaser. Let’s follow God right now and trust Him to take care of the next. God is sovereign and able to direct both of us to each other when the time is right.

Until Then,
A Single Guy

Reblog from here.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

One Of The Most Humble Men I've Ever Known

One of the most humble men I've ever know. Who is he? He is my Pastor at Oikos church Singapore, Ps. Yakub Surya. Jadi pengen sedikit cerita mengenai beliau, and what lesson I learned from him.
Jadi ceritanya, kan saya ke semarang kondangan Ci Lenna married, anak Oikos Singapore juga. Terus sepulangnya dari resepsi, kita pada mau ke Pecinan. Beberapa dari kita decided untuk gak pulang hotel dan ganti baju karena bakal lama lagi takut keburu tutup, dan langsung ke TKP. Ya udah donk ya, kebayang ga si, gw ama anita pake dress pake heels naek becak wkwk. Dan yang lebih parahnya lagi kita gak ada yang bawa duit. Soalnya kan awalnya gak kepikiran buat langsung ke pecinan.

Pecinan tuh daerahnya kaya chinatown di Singapore gitu deh, kek pasar malem yang banyak jual makanan. Hehe. Terus secara kita gak bawa duit sepeserpun, ya udah deh minta tolong ko Yakub bayarin. Haha, gila banget gak sih kalo dipikir-pikir. Bisa ngutang sama pastor -.- kita juga jajan es and makanan kecil-kecil, tapi untunglah Ko Y nyusul dan dia bawain duit.

Terus pas lagi jalan disepanjang jalan liat makanan, Anita bilang tuh ada siomay tuh tapi gak ada yang ngalahin siomaynya ko Yakub. Bener banget loh, siomay ko Yakub enak banget bokk!! Ikannnya berasa banget.

Flash back ke sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu. 
Lagi makan siomay ko Yakub, dan saya makannya nambah terus banyak :P Ada ci Pina, ci Pina bilang sekarang siomaynya ko Yakub udah enak gak kenyel lagi. Dulu pas beberapa taon lalu, pas ko Yakub masi kuliah di Singapore kan duitnya terbatas, jadi siomaynya kenyel banget. Ikan sama tepungnya banyakan tepungnya. Dan gw ngakak dengernya. Wkwkwk.

Dan kemaren pas Anita nyinggung soal siomay, gw bilang ke ko Yakub. Ko, katanya dulu siomay koko kenyel banget ya. Ko Yakub sambil ketawa-tawa cerita, iya dulu pas jaman kuliah masih kere, ikannya secuil tepungnya segepok, sampe cicinya Ci Pina bilang ini ngunyah kok ga selsa-selsai. Wakakakak gw geli abis.

Tapi one thing gw learn, gak peduli seberapa kere or tajirna ko Yakub tapi yang penting hatinya bok. Gw bener-bener merasa dikasihi banget sama Ko Yakub en family ketika gw masih di Sing. Ko Yakub tau gw paling suka bubur madura pake sambel uler, jadi kadang dia purposely masakin gw. Dan sampe di smsin, Ci Yenny si Bu Gem juga gitu.
Gw juga jarang kontekan intens gitu ama ko Yakub, tapi pas kemaren ketemu masih bisa cerita ngalor ngidul sampe gak tau malu pinjem duit minta bayarin naek becak wkwkw. Awalnya ketika Ko Yakub pindah ke Sing, gw biasa aja dan gak deket juga. Pernah sleg dikit malah. Tapi lama-lama berubah.. ya karena, hatinya sih.. Well, sometimes people dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Jadi inget quote yang bilang, rendahkanlah dirimu serendah-rendahnya sampai orang dari berbgai kalangan bisa masuk. Kalo dipikir-pikir gw loh bukan jemaat oikos lagi, dan pas dulu disana pun gw bukan orang penting banget. Tapi still, gw dapet perhatian yang sama. Dari hatinya, saya belajar. Baik didalam kekurangan dan kelimpahan pun tetap terus jadi berkat :D

Friday, September 06, 2013

Lesson Learned: Taking Him For Granted

My very first lesson learned :D Refer from my post here. Pas lagi baca-baca diary, terus ketemu halaman ini. Udah dari February lalu haha. Gambarnya mesti di klik biar bisa baca jelas, maklum tulisan saya super mini. 
What's written there yah basically gw say sorry to God kalo selama ini baik secara sadar atau tidak sadar saya take Ko Y for granted. Apa yang dimaksud dengan taking him for granted? Jadi yah, kalo gw lagi bete bad mood spanning tinggi tingkat dewa dewi. Biasanya yang selalu kena itu Ko Y. Dia bisa gw sensiin, gw jutekin, gw galakin or even parahnya gw diemin.
Praise God gw udah jadi lebih sadar, kalo gw sering menjadikan Ko Y pelampiasan gw selama ini. Ini gw capture dan simpen karena disana dia bilang, kenapa aku kena lagi, aku apes banget. Ini suatu tamparan banget buat gw!! Sama yang dia bilang, aku bisa di betein, aku harus siap-siap. Uhhh gw langsung kaya ketiban batu!! Aslinya ini tuh gw bete karena gw stress cari frame gitu, uda lama si casenya. Tapi masi tetep gw simpen soalnya reminder banget! Kata-kata dia walo ditulis dengan baik tanpa ada kesan marah or menyindir, bener-bener nyadarin gw betapa jahat dan kezamnya gw LOL.

Kenapa harus Ko Y? Karena gw tau he is the one that very understanding that patience enough when it comes to handle nagging me. He is the one who always faithful enough to listen all my grumbles and complains. And he really know how to chill me down, which is.. to fully lend an ears that truly listened and concern.

Cewe yah, sensitif banget kan. Kalo lagi bad mood, ada satu or dua hal aja yang gak berjalan dengan semestinya, bisa langsung bikin gw bete abis. Apalagi kalo PMS!! I used to be believe kalo benernya PMS doesnt exists, why? Coz happiness is a choice. We have the ability to choose to be happy, despite how painful the PMS is. Tapi gimana donk, kadang beneran deh PMS tuh bikin sensi jadi naik tingkat dewa haha. Semua cewe yang setuju angkat tangan! And I can hear all the boys shout, woman is truly complicated. HAHA.

Terus kemaren itu setelah saya jutekin dia (untuk kesekian kalinya) gw minta maap. Ko maap ya aku tadi bete gak jelas. Terus dia nanya, aku salah apa? Gw jawab, gak sih aku yang salah kamu gak salah apa-apa. Dia nanya lagi, kamu lagi dapet ya? Gw jawab kagak sih, baru aja selesai. Terus dia bilang, lain kali kasih tau kalo lagi dapet jadi aku bisa siap-siap.

Toenkkkk pas denger dia jawab gitu, gw jadi gak enak ati bangetttt -.- Terus gw bener-bener langsung say sorry lagi and promise in the future bakal try my best tuk manage my emotions and my action as well. Dan minta maaf sedalam-dalamnya. Lucky me, I got the very understanding guy.. He replied, ya gpp koko seneng kalo kamu ada belajar sesuatu lagi.

Well, disini gw belajar kalo cewe itu harus punya:
1. A gentle spirit
Roh yang lemah lembut. Jadi cewe yang punya hati buat selalu belajar, mau diajar, mau ditegur, no grumble and no complain.
Kadang kita cewe selalu mau jadi nomor satu. Bukan cuma always to be number one, tapiii we also want to be right. Agree with me? Lets be honest :D
Kemaren itu pastor yang kotbah bilang gini, in marriage life, there's alot of things that cant meet the meeting point. Disaat itulah spirit of submission dan kerelaan melepaskan hak sangat dibutuhkan. To let your husband be the leader, tugas kita menunduk.

2. A quiet spirit
Roh yang tentram membangun atmosphere of comfort. Gw notice, pas gw review balik si Ko Y selalu ada bilang aku siap-siap. Pas yang gw bete di capture itu sekitar bulan February, disana dia bilang aku harus siap-siap. Dan yang gw bete baru-baru ini, dia juga bilang biar aku bisa siap-siap.
Ya ampyunn ani, kalooo sampe married gw masih begini terus sih siapapun suami dan sesabar apapun dia pasti gak bakal mau pulang rumah lah. Kenapa gak mo pulang rumah? Karena secara gak langsung gw buat rumah kaya maen togel. Kalo lagi happy ya disambut baik, kalo lagi bete ya disambut seadanya. Suami mana coba yang mau pulang rumah dengan dagdigdug kek maen togel, keep guessing, hari ini gimana ya keadaannya? Harusnya kan, we as woman its one of our responsibility to make a house become resting zone. There will be plenty of time that our husband face troubles and got pressure. They need support, bukan ditodong wkwk. When he is so exhausted, where he wanna be? It should be HOME.

Ayo ani, gak boleh nagging, gak digampar udah bagus. Kadang gw remind my own self :P Haha. Dan pelan-pelan gw belajar, saya ini bukan pengacara dan Ko Y bukan terdakwa :P Jadi gak sepantasnya gw salah-salahin dia terus hwhw. Gw juga belajar selain gak taking him for granted, gw belajar untuk selalu menaruh Tuhan di tempat pertama di setiap saat di setiap harinya. Ketika gw ga seneng sama ko Y, gw akan minta baik-baik. Tapi kalo gak dikasih juga ya udalah eke minta nangis-menangis sama Tuhan. Instead of pushing or asking Ko Y too far. Dia kan juga manusia gak bisa menuhin semua my expectation.

Aniweii, sesampainya gw di Semarang gw mampir main ke lawang sewu. Mayan angker sih haha. Pas ajak Ko Y ke lawang sewu dia ogah gitu, terus gw uda hampir bete :P Dia bilang, orang semarang aja tuh gak ada yang mau kesana karena gak ada apa-apa, justru orang luar semarang aja yang pengen tau. Dalem ati gw, ya iyalah gw mau tau orang gw jarang ke semarang huh. Tapi instead ngeluarin kata-kata nyolot, I beg him and it works wkwkwk. Yeay, we woman do really has great power over a man. So becareful ladies, use your power wisely.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Suka Duka Memimpin CG (1)

Ternyata susah juga ya untuk komit nulis blog tiap hari. Kadang uda keburu males duluan, kadang juga gak tau mau tulis apa :P Yah, hari ini mau cerita tentang komsel aja deh.

Jadi, jadwal CG dipindahin jadi hari Kamis yang biasanya Jumat. Terus mulai dari tadi pagi, satu anak bbm bilang gak bisa dateng karena ada urgent matters. Ok. Menjelang siang ada lagi yang bbm bilang gak bisa, dan sisa anak-anak lainnya pada gak ada kabar. Di sms gak dibales, di bbm gak dibales. Fiuh.. Keki tingkat dewa!

Jadi sekitar jam 5an, saya uda bbm ko Yesa untuk ijin gak CG soalnya yang bisa cuma satu orang dan dia pun cowo. Kalo mau pertemuan ya ok, tapi kalo gak juga gapapa. Soalnya emank gak disarankan cuma CG berduaan dengan lawan jenis. Ditambah saya juga males, karena besok mesti flight pagi.

Terus saya super down. Ini anak-anak di smsin berkali-kali, di telp juga gak diangkat. Kenapa tumben bener bisa banyak banget yang berhalangan dan gak bisa CG. Total CG saya kira-kira bisa 10orangan lah kalo lengkap hadir semua. Terus masa 8orang gak bisa serentak. Haiah, ada apa dengan CG ini. Apa saya kurang doanya, apa saya tidak menjadi contoh yang baik, apa yang buat anak-anak jadi gak excited CG, etc etc.

Menurut gw, pelayanan yang paling melelahkan adalah pelayanan pengembalaan. Mesti follow up, mesti bagi hidup, mesti tau gimana pergumulan mereka etc. Gak gampang dan takes so much of energy, time and effort. Ketika temen gw tanya, gimana rasanya jadi pemimpin CG? Gw jawab, duh cape ati kadang. HAHA. Well, bukan karena anak-anak gw badung yah, tapi karena lebih ke beban moral yang ditanggung. Sebagai pemimpin, kamu dilihat, dicontoh, dan dipertimbangkan dalam hal sekecil apapun. Dan temen gw ini balesin, ya bagus donk kalo gak cape ati berarti belon sepenuh hati. 

Dari jawaban dia, gw langsung DEG. Iya juga yah, well walopun cape and keki tapi ya at least gw udah give my best dan trying my best. Sisanya di tangan Tuhan. Dalam mimpin CG ini, seringkali gw diingetin kalo sebenernya mereka tuh cuma titipan dari Tuhan, they are not mine and will never be mine. Jadi boleh stress, tapi gak boleh sampe depresi or stress banget. Karena pada dasarnya, keselamatan bersifat pribadi.

No doubt many times I feel like giving up. Bener-bener mau murtad haha, berasa gak mampu, dan masi mau enjoy life (yang dibaca: mau lari dari tanggung jawab). Gw mimpin CG itu dari gw umur 18taon. Pas gw masi di Singapore. Ketika ditunjuk dan dipilih, there's no room for saying no. Leader gw tau, gw tipe orang yang perlu dicemplungin dulu baru bisa berenang dengan sendirinya. And you guess what is my first reaction? I cried! Muahaha. Stress la bok, gw dulu tugas kul aja bisa ampe ga tidur ini mesti urusin CG lagi. Terus gw orang Jakarta di tengah Medanlang, bukan gw rasis ye. Tapi bahasa mereka kan hokian. Terus juga im the youngest, semua uda much older 21something.

Lalu for good dari Singapore ke Indo, saya pikir bisa leha-leha ni bebas ahaha mo nyantai dulu. Eh tau-tau dalem 3 bulan di GMS di promote jadi leader lagi. Terus gw mati-matian nolak donk ya.. Tapi si Ko Yesa setiap kali ketemu gw selalu bilangnya, jangan kaya yunus kamu nie ntar dimakan paus loh. Dan kata-kata itu jadi rhema buat gw. Terus gw gak berani lari deh wkwkwk.

Jadi leader bukan berarti saya lebih baik dari yang lain etc etc, tapi ntah mengapa seberapa capenya dan kekinya saya mimpin CG tetep aja my CG member took almost 60percent of my thoughts. Bener-bener belajar banyak hal dan gimana lay down semuanya sama Tuhan.

Dan tadii tiba-tiba jam 6.30 pada balesin sms and bbm gw bilang bisa dateng. Yeyeayeayy haha. Jadilah kita komsel berenam dan main uno sampe ketawa ngakak mules. And one more thing I learn today, everything is not gonna be easy but its gonna be worth it. So never give up on people like God never give up on you :)

Blessed night. And tomorrow is my birthday!! UHUY! And Im gonna spend it at Semarang :) Ko Y's hometown. Ihiy, super excited!! Benernya gak purposely ke sono karena bday sih, niat amat yak. Ini karena Ci Lenna married, and she hire me as MUA for her bridesmaid. Terus tanggal 7 meridnya dan di Semarang pula. Pas banget yaa.. I never celebrate my birthday with my friends for the whole day. Waktu di sing juga kekna ga pernah deh, gw di sing kerjanya bikin tugas dan tugas dan tugas. And now, I celebrate my birthday with my loved one at someplace that I never went before. Dan ini Ko Y ambil cuti buat temenin ke Semarang sekalian dia pulang kampung juga. Now you can imagine how excited I am rite. Hihi!!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


I am not in the mood of talking or writing, so may the pictures says it all.
Finish this two scrapframe within a half day. Yeay yeay!! Kemajuan bok, biasanya satu scrapframe lama bener. I guess, practices really makes perfect. Ayoo, di orderr :)

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Marry Your Daughter

Very soon I'm hoping that.. 
I Can marry your daughter 
And make her my wife 
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life 
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die

I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen 

I can't wait to smile 
When she walks down the isle 
On the arm of her father 

Isn't that very sweet? This is one of the sweetest song I've ever heard!! I'm so touched and agree with Sylvia says, which girl doesn't want this? I know this song from her blog, here. Alrite, call me a hopeless romantic girl. Yes, I am. I am in love with love :P And how I adore love story with great ending!

Since the day that we met 
I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left
So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad 
I've got most of my vows done so far 
So bring on the better or worse
And tell death do us part 
There's no doubt in my mind

I really love this song, the lyrics is so beautiful! It's true to every words and this guy must be very sweet! My favorite sentence, Im gonna marry your princess and make her my queen.. AWW! And here is the video, do enjoy!

Monday, September 02, 2013

Weeping Is No Longer Enough

Do you guys know about Miley Cyrus? She's ex-disney star. Before you read my post, you may like to read this link first. And Below is a very interesting article, response to what Miley did. Source from here.

Picking up a sub sandwich today, I saw a news report on CNN about Miley Cyrus’ performance at last night’s VMA’s. I was shocked, then sickened, then saddened.
For the rest of the day, I wondered:
What kind of people are we?
What kind of culture have we created?
What do we want our children to be?
No more wondering. Tonight, I weep.
I weep for the little girl who gave us Hannah Montana and became a role model to millions of little girls across America.
I weep for the lostness of a girl who doesn’t see herself stumbling around in the dark.
I weep for the news channels that profit from their all-day coverage of a young woman spiraling out of control.
I weep for the American Idol culture that promises glitter and gold to children, then chews them up and spits them out.
I weep for an entertainment culture that celebrates the breaking of every social taboo and the casting off of every restraint, only then to turn and mock the stars that follow suit.
I weep for a tabloid culture that finds celebrity gossip and embarrassing moments titillating.
I weep for women enslaved by a false view of sexual liberation.
I weep for men (myself included) who have failed to say, “Enough is enough.”
I weep for all the times I’ve looked at women as objects and failed to see them as someone’s sisters and daughters.
I weep for the fathers of Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Madonna, and all the family members of all the other women who feel they have to sexualize themselves to achieve success.
I weep for my five-year-old little girl, who twirls around like a princess and hugs me tight at night, when I think of the world she is growing up in, the world I will send her into.
I weep for the broken, messed-up world we live in.
But then I weep at the power of grace.
There’s Jesus, lifting the head of a woman of the night and sending her away into the light. There’s Jesus in a crowd, healing a woman desperately trying to cover the shame. There’s Jesus at the well, transforming a woman tossed aside by multiple men.
Weeping is no longer enough. Now, I pray.
Kalimat terakhir ngena banget buat gw, simple yet very powerful words. Weeping is no longer enough. Now, I pray. Huehehe. Nancep banget buat gw, jadi inget kadang gw suka mengasihani diri sendiri. Menangis sama Tuhan, dan mempertanyakan kenapa begini kenapa begitu. Yes, God can be move with our sincerely hearts that cry for help. For it is written in Psalm 34:18 that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted. YET, do we pray about our problem as much as we talked about it? Again, weeping is no longer enough, lets bring it in prayer :)

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Let's Welcome Septemer With 30 Day Challenge

Hooop! I can't believe it this is september already :) My favorite month after December of course. Whyy? Because this is my birthday month!

I love it when my closest ones start asking me questions like, what do you want for your birthday present? Where will you treat us? etc etc etc hihi :p And receiving the birthday wishes and present *wink*

Yahh, sebenarnya akhir-akhir ini saya lagi feel so empty and lazy to do anything gitu. Lagi berasa kok hidup gini-gini ajah, rutinitas belaka. There's up and yes there's down in life. Im not in a period of having problem anyway, I just lost my excitement :( Have you ever feel that way?

And I know its soooo not good! And not healthy! And look at this blog, havent updated for quite sometimes *sigh* due to my laziness.

So I dare my self to do a simple challenge for this 30days, until september ends. Dulu ada pendeta yang kotbah di gereja singapore gw dan bilang kalo rutinitas yang dilakukan selama 21 hari secara berturut-turut dan rutin akan menjadi habits kita, he said he knew it based on the research from the psychology side thingy. I think its worth to try :)

Alrite here some challenge that I will do:
-. I will (try) do a posting on this blog everyday, and write things worth riding.
-. Pake lotion 2x sehari, pagi dan malem. Kulit gw super kering dan super males pake lotion urgh!
-. Bikin at least one scrapbook layout each day.
-. Smsin anak-anak CG gw mengenai apa yang gw dapet dari Proverbs. Kan baca amsal satu perikop satu, share yang jadi rhema ke mereka di PAGI hari.
-. Mengurangi porsi cabe ketika makan. Huks.
-. Learn guitar more often.

Wew, kayanya ini aja deh yang pingin dibenahin. Semoga saya bisa, dan saya harus bisa. Saya pasti bisa!
