What do you think about bikini girls? Hehe. For me, gw gak pede sih pake nya soalnya saya merasa bikini lebih minim daripada bra and cd :P Kalo liat cewe-cewe yang pake bikini di Indo, kaya Bali gitu yah gw sih biasa aja tapi cenderung ke agak risih. Why? Soalnya Indonesia bukan negara bule gitu uy. Jadi walo di Bali pun, kalo orang Indo yang pake tetep ajah diliatin kan.
Jadi pake bikini itu salah gak sih? What do you think? In my opinion, depends on the place and the occasion juga yah. Kalo lu pake bikini di pegunungan or mall kan swt abis. Me, myself pernah kepikiran untuk swimming with bikini in Maldives during honeymoon :D Muahaha.
And come across this video in Ci Nelly's FB timeline. So interesting! Its no longer right or wrong wearing a bikini, tapii apakah itu berkenan? Apakah itu sempurna?? Bikini has power. What is the power? Watch this video!!
Analyst at the national geographic concluded the bikinis really do inspire men to see women as objects. As something to be used rather than someone to connect with. So it seems that wearing a bikini does give a woman power. The power to shut down a man's ability to see her as a person, but rather as an object.
Modesty isn’t about hiding our self, its about revealing dignity. We were made beautiful in His images and likeness. How will you use your beauty?
I believe it is a loving act to try and dress in a way that helps a man see a woman as a person rather than an object. Of course men are responsible for their thoughts and actions, no matter what a woman chooses to wear. BUT we can help them when we choose to dress is certainly a worthy consideration :)
As a woman, yes we should be free to wear what we want. YET, do you want to gain attention from others with your body or with your intellect and personality? Choose wisely ladies.
betoel! gw juga perna liat itu video. as you mentioned, pas nancep banget yang pas dia bilang "Modesty isn’t about hiding our self, its about revealing dignity. We were made beautiful in His images and likeness. How will you use your beauty?" hahaha..
indeed, kita ce2 punya kuasa mao jadi kayak Delilah yang seduce Samson sampe dia reveal his weakness, ato mao jadi kayak other women on the Bible yang pake their "power" to support their men. huft huft we need wisdom and discernment :)
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