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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Introducing Memory Lane

Yeay!! Finally I can introduce to you guys, memory lane :D This is all about scrapbooking and DIY stuff that originally handmade by me ;) And I do open for orders now, please help me to spread the news! :P 
Nah ini scrapbook frame pertama yang gw buat, untuk anak CG gw yang birthday. Jadi themenya garden gitu deh. Frame 3D ukurannya 30x30cm, tebel 5cm dengan kaca. 

Sedikit cerita gimana akhirnya gw memberanikan diri untuk mutusin start bikin side job gini. Earning a living while doing what I love is a dream that I wish to pursue. Tentunya ada harga yang harus dibayar T.T Gw sibuk ajegila-gilaan. Kerjaan kantor gw berkutat dengan data jadi ingetan mesti kenceng benerrr! Pengerjaan majalah Pearl, mostly kita kan beda negara tuh jadi cuma contact via email/ bbm gtu. Tapi God is so good dah, He is really Jehovah Jireh!! Terus ministry di gereja ada training-training, en GMS lagi banyak upcoming event, juga pengembalaan CG. Belon lagi harus bagi waktu antara me-time, family-time, and friends-time.

Awal-awal pas bikin ini, I dunno how many times I tempted to gave up. Coz gw berasa gak mampu. Cuapeeee poll. Terus liat competitor lain pada bagus-bagus banget, jadi minder! Terus inget quotes ini:

Do not compare your beginning to someone else's middle 
- Jon Acuff

Terus jadi mayan semangat lagi, coz deep down in my heart. I really know that.. this is my passion and what I love to do :) To design and inspire others is my passion. I truly LOVE designing, writing and doing handmade stuff. Always believe that personal touches make things more precious :D
Courtesy of google
Please do contact me if you want to place an order. You can reach me by:
Twitter: @viryanikho
Instagram: @viryanikho
Line ID: viryanikho
And please do me a favour, like my FB fan page here. 

This is exclusively made by order, so no one will have the same as yours. You can make for birthday, graduation, anniversary, wedding, or any theme you love :) And would you please do me a favour? Please help me to spread the wings and introduce your friends to me. Thanks!


Queen Sophia suka sekali yang beginian...pingin bisa buat juga....congratsz for the opening yach!


Ci ani, bagus banget scrapbook framenya. Sukses terus ya :)

Kakak Vo

Ni.. baguusss... I like ur style :D
semangat yaaa.. moga2 suatu saat nanti bisa joinan bisnis gitu hihihihi... ah jadi keingetan NYPEC :(

Lasma Manullang

Keberanian buat ambil langkah pertama itu yang susaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh banget. Suksess yaaa...masuk list buat inget2 kalo pengen bikin scrapbook :D

Mekar A. Pradipta

that's cute anieeee... realy cute! Apalagi 3D dan handmade pula :)) Congratulations yaaa... moga2 abis ini bisa buka toko^^

KeZia Margaret

super duper cute ani.. sukses yaa! :D

Marcella Flaorenzia

Congrats Ani! Finally! You have such a great talent :)

Anita Bong

Wow! Keren! aku udah add line mu :) aku tertarik hehehe~

Sukses selaluuu :3


Aniiiiii, semangat!!!! kamu pasti bisa.... bersama Tuhan gak ada yg mustahil! :) you have talent and good attitude ( hardwork and trustable ), cuma butuh setia en sabar yah sampe org2 tau produk kamu.... love ya!!!!

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