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Friday, June 22, 2012

Semua Cowo Sama

"Ah semua cowo sama ajah lah"
Hayoo, siapa yang sering denger kata-kata seperti ini keluar dari mulut seorang wanita? Or maybe mulutmu sendiri? :P
To be honest, gw sendiri pernah -- dan oops sering ngomong kaya gitu dulu. Catet yah, dulu! HAHA. Ketika saya masi ababil-ababilnya.

Kenapa gw bilang ababil? Sorry to say nih, in my opinion.. cewe yang bisa menyuarakan komentar seperti ini adalah cewe yang ababil, yang emosinya masih belon stabil sehingga dia melihat kalau semua cowo itu sama aja. Yes, mungkin kamu pernah jadi pihak yang dirugikan atau istilahnya menjadi korban para pria. Tapi bukan karena satu pria berbuat seperti itu, lantas semua cowo sama aja toh? Nyimpen rasa kepaitan itu adalah merugikan kamu sendiri, makanya harus diberantas secara tuntas!

Terus juga sering banget loh gw denger dan liat beberapa kasus -- jadian, putus, jadian lagi sama yang baru, lalu putus lagi dan ends up mengatakan "semua cowo sama ajah." Nah loh, kalo mank belon bener-bener pulih dari sakit hati ngapain toh buru-buru pacaran lagi? Maybe in hope, si dia bisa bantu lupain masa lalu yah. Tapi perlu diingat, jangan sampai kamu membawa luka lama ke hubungan yang baru. 

Ketika gw denger cewe-cewe menyuarakan "semua cowo sama ajah lah nie." Gw langsung teringat oleh ayat ini:

Dan mengapa kamu melihat selumbar yang ada di mata saudaramu, tetapi tidak menyadari balok yang ada di matamu sendiri? 
Matius 7:3 - MILT version

Kenapa langsung inget sama ayat ini? Soalnya gw penganut paham dan sangat percaya dengan quotes behind every great man, there's a great woman. Iyah, mungkin kamu bisa bilang -- dulu dia baik loh, awal-awal deket sangat rohani tapi lama-lama dia berubah. Nah, kalo kaya gitu bisa coba di cek tuh. Kitanya berubah gak? Atau jangan-jangan karena pas sama kita, dia malah berubah jadi gak baik? Dengan kata lain, kita yang membawa pengaruh negatif ke dia. Atauuu, kamu dan dia sudah tidak menempel pada pokok anggur yang tepat, yaitu Tuhan Yesus! Tuhan bukan lagi the center of your relationship.

Or mungkin dari awalnya relationship ini kamu tuh uda sadar, kamu gak seimbang sama dia. Seimbang dalam arti tidak saling membangun ke arah yang lebih baik atau hubungannya tarik menarik. Jadi ketika putus, sakit hati, nangis-nangis. Stop blaming other person, check your self first why at the first place you close one eye to consider him?

Jadi, in conclusion, menurut gw kita as ladies need to stop saying like that. Semua cowo itu gak sama kok. Masihhh banyakk cowo yang baik dan bener-bener takut akan Tuhan. Tapi tentunya cowo-cowo seperti itu juga mencari wanita yang content, yang gambar dirinya penuh. (Ini based on my conversations with godly man loh). Walau mungkin ada 10 cowo nakal yang deketin kamu, tapi kalau kamu seorang cewe yang berkarakter dan berpendirian kuat. Gak sembarang cowo yang bisa deketin kamu, dan kamu gak akan bakal ngomong lagi "semua cowo sama ajah lah" karena kamu yang megang kendali atas hatimu dan gak sembarangan memberikan hatimu ke sembarang cowo.

So girls, we need to come to the point that -- be the kind of person you want to see in your future spouse. Stop asking too much, stop demanding, stop complaining, stop blaming. Kalau kita selalu menyalahkan cowo-cowo, itu mendukakan hati Tuhan juga loh. Karena Tuhan menciptakan kita wanita sebagai penolong bukan perongrong. Let's we learn to become a woman after God's own heart :)

Saturday, June 02, 2012

A Glowing Lady

“Men are attracted to women who Glow”

A glow is defined as “to shine brightly and steadily“. Thesaurus defined it also as the state of free from bodily or mental disease“. Here’s the thing ladies, I’m going to share something from guys point of view about the kind of ladies that attract us. I feel many of you ladies don’t really know how to ‘glow‘ and it’s just a pity to see that many high quality ladies not ‘glowing‘ to their full potential. Some are too ignorant, too attention seeking, or the worst thing is too desperate. Let’s see if this post can open your mind to new things. My goal is to give you an idea of how most of us guys ‘tick‘. Basically that one simple quote summarized it all, “We are attracted to women who Glow!”. Let me explain as brief as possible what ‘glow’ means.

Have you ever heard people say that “Men are visual creatures and Women are emotional creatures“? If you haven’t, then where have you been? Hehe. You have to understand that fact and know that the first thing men notice from you women is how you ‘present‘ yourself. Notice I use the word ‘present‘, because I’m not talking about whether you are beautiful or not beautiful physically here. I truly believe all of us are beautifully and wonderfully made. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All of us are definitely beautiful to someone. I’m talking about how you ladies should ‘present‘ yourself attractively.
Yes, I agree everyone have their own style and personality. Some just loves it plain without make up, some dressed themselves elegantly, while some prefer more tomboy style. Whatever your style is, what’s most important is the fact that you are comfortable with how you dress up and it makes you feel attractive and confident.

The key is in your mind. Believe it or not, we all know ourselves when we really dress up and be attractive or when we’re not putting any effort at all and dress lousily. Probably we dress lousily when we’re just going down from our apartment to the grocery store to buy little bit of groceries and hope we won’t bump into anyone we know. Whereas we dress our best when we’re going to a friend’s birthday dinner thinking that we might meet some lovely singles out there. Whatever it is, be it men or women, we do need to put attention on how we clean ourselves, dress up and present ourselves. Take decent care of your body, hair, health and how you dress yourself. 

You need to be presentably glowing, cause you just never know if the next person you’re going to meet tomorrow when you step out of your home could actually be your dream guy or girl. Don’t let a set of heels or hairdo hinder you to be one step away from catching the eye of your potential mate!


Ladies, guys are attracted to women who are confident and secured. If you are lacking confidence and security, then you first need to do something to correct yourself. Someone who always seek or hungry for attention is a turn off. No matter how beautiful you are, if you are not confident it will eventually shows. In many case the cause of jealousy and possessiveness in a relationship is because of one’s insecurity and lack of confident. When you don’t feel good about yourself and see everyone as more beautiful or better than you, you start putting them as your rivals and threat, causing you to want to protect your partner by not allowing them to socialize freely. You start to have phobia or fear of losing your partner because you are not confident and secure.

Before you look for a partner, you have to fix yourself and be an independent, confident and secure lady! Women who already have a career, financially independent, and have goals and vision in life are really attractive. No matter how beautiful you are, if you only sleep the whole day at home and still depending on your parents wealth for your personal shopping, and you don’t know what you want in life, you’ll be just like a pretty walking ‘barbie doll‘. Believe me, guys would line up for you, but you may not last long. An independent, confident and secure lady is like a gem!


Men are attracted to ladies who are having the fun of their life! Those who are not gloomy and mellow and showing how desperate they are to have a boyfriend to make them happy. We are attracted to those who are contented with their singleness and enjoying their life to the max. Those who know that their happiness doesn’t rely on the hands of a partner, but themselves. Usually, the only people that can live life to the fullest are those who are already confident and secure. So the first step to live your life to the fullest is to fix what’s inside, be confident and secure!

Live your life to the fullest. Go out, socialize and have fun with your friends. No need to be sensitive or shy, but be courageous and full of smile. Be warm and friendly, be someone that’s easy to approach instead of someone with a straight face that people scared to approach. 
Trust me, if you know how to take care of your well being, appearance and present yourself attractively; you are independent, confident and secured, and you are living your life to the fullest; it will be just a matter of time till guys notices you and you might just be a step away from meeting your dream guy.

Good luck, All the best and God Bless You Ladies! 
-Harry A.Tang- Repost from here. 
And all the beautiful photos taken by Jose Villa. I'm a big fan of him :D

My Beloved

I found this wonderful letter when I did some browsing. And it amazes me :) Sometimes, in the middle of discussion and chit chat time with my girl friends. There pop out a question and statement like this: "Do real man after God's own heart still exists? Where are they? And are they real?"

No doubt at this very moment we seldom find a man who really patiently wait for his future princess. Besides that, we found lots of guy out there chasing girl without attention to get married, only wanna to have-fun time.

And this letter remind me, that a real man after God's own heart is still exist and he wait patiently for his future wife. This letter so beautiful, please take some time to read it, grab a cup of tea and enjoy :) All the gorgeous picture taken by Jose Villa.

My Beloved,
I want you to know that I’m waiting for you. I can’t wait to meet you.
To see your eyes, to see your smile & to know about your life.
Wherever you are right now, what ever you’re doing, I’m praying for you. 
The thought of you excites me.
I can’t wait to serve & pursue Christ along side with you.
I can’t wait to hold your hand, and just pray with you.
I promise you I will always play my guitar and I will sing you songs.
Whats even better, I can’t wait to worship along side with you with our voices.
I can’t wait to love youadore youcherish you and take care of you.
I’m excited to know everything about you. Everything that makes YOU.
Every single detail that makes you perfect for me. I know I will appreciate those things because it’s you. 
I want to know what makes you happy, what makes you sad. 
What makes your day. Your favorite food, drink, music, movie.
Anything, and everything about you.

So I can serve you, love you, and take care of you the best way I can.
I can’t wait to touch your face when you laugh, cry, make jokes, being silly.
I can’t wait to pray, fast, drink coffee, eat carelessly, watch movie, sleep in till we are both late for work, cooking together, make you breakfast in bed, you making me breakfast in bed, drive our first car, live in our first home, raise our own family, seeking God together as a family.

I can’t wait to experience trials & suffering with you, grow close together with God.
I can’t wait to hold you close to me at night. Till we fall asleep.
I can’t wait to give you my ALL, everything of me to you.
I can’t wait to lay myself down for you, just as Christ laid down His life for me.
I long and desire for you my beloved.
I can’t wait to meet you and spend the rest of my earthly days with you.
I can’t wait to love you. 
I can’t wait to show you this letter in the future when we finally meet.
But for now, I want you to know.
I'm patiently waiting for you.. 

-Mark Muldez-
Taken from here.

Wasn't that so inspiring? That is definitely what I want my Prince to be like :P Let us all be praying for our future husbands to grow in their walk with the Lord, and to help them to have hearts after God's own heart.

And while we are waiting, lets we embrace our single life to bring out the best of ourselves, to discover and develop the talents and attributes with which we are blessed by God to become a blessing for our future prince.

Last but not least wait patiently for Him to bring your prince in His perfect time! Happy waiting, believe me such a man worth the wait :)
