Just a random thought, which I hope can be a dream comes true someday.. Am thinking of opening a boutique company that provide wedding invitation and stationary. At the moment, I just doing some freelance work and its doesn't consume my time so much (this month). So instead of doing nothing, slacking around, going mall to mall HAHA, I wanna to explore this :) Earning a living while doing what I love is a dream that I wish to pursue.
This past two months, I have tried my best to looking for a job. I know im kinda selective and too picky. But the first thing come across my mind while im finding a job is.. i wanna love what i do, and do what i love :D And of course find the right environment, people with the right attitude. Because I believe if you find people with the right attitude, half of job is done. I like to talk to you, and you like to talk to me. Skills we can learn and explore more. And experience, for sure we can gain it as time goes by. Thats why find the right people and half job is done, truly believe with that statement :D
Some company ignore and reject me, and some I pass the opportunity to work with them. But by the grace of God, the freelance job keep coming :) So, this crazy thought come across my mind. Am i dare enough to running my own? Am I too young? Do I need more experiences? So while doing some freelance, I wanna try to work on this too :D (Until I find another fulltime job yah).
I have this idea for quite sometimes back then. Because I love to see sweet things and make things sweet. But the laziness and anxiety attack me! I need to start everything from ZERO! Yes ZERO! Designing the card, then finding all the paper material, go to printing shop, layout them nicely and take the picture of it. Last but not least, editing and upload them to advertise. Click here to see beautiful artworks from Martha Stewart. Im a big fan of her!
So.. Paperonie stands for Paper of Anie WAKAKAKA. My friend, Maggie. Help me to choose this name. Poor me, I cant think of other name! Been thinking of these name too: persephone, pearlie. But ended with Paperonie, easy to spell and remember i think. And the tagline is.. Because first impressions always count. Invitation card is the beginning of all the wedding celebration right? First you received the invitation to join their party.
Theres always time for the first time, right? And usually the beginning is always the hardest. So I just want to do my best, give my very best and I want to inspire other through my design :) To God be the glory! Step by step and slow but sure.. Now, please do me some favor. Help me to choose the logo :D
Please help me choose ONE each logo, and why? :) Because im really confused at the moment.. I do have my favorite one, but I wanna see from others people point of view.. Your comment really means alot to me. Thanks in advance :D
Snag a Button
Menu Bar
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Lagi browse2 ketemu sama singkatan2 ini.. so funny. wkwkwk. Btw, I dunno who make this singkatan2. Anonymous.. But its so funnyyyy :)
My fav are F.A.I.T.H and J.O.Y :D How about you guys?
P.U.S.H - Pray Until Something HappensF.R.O.G - Fully Rely On GodW.W.J.D - What Would Jesus Do?G.O.L.F - God, Our Loving FatherJ.C.L.U - Jesus Christ Loves U (You)G.R.A.C.E - God Reigns and Controls EverythingF.A.I.T.H - For All I Trust HimH.O.P.E - He Offers Peace EverythingP.R.A.Y - Praise. Repent. Ask. Yield.J.O.Y - Jesus first. Others second. Yourself last.S.W.A.G - Saved With Amazing Grace
My fav are F.A.I.T.H and J.O.Y :D How about you guys?
Soul Surfer
I want to recommend a very good movie about God and our Christianity life :)
-. Fireprrof
-. Gifted Hands --> Ini bagus banget! An old movie and based on true story! Me fav!
-. The Blind Side
-. Facing The Giants
-. Faith Like Potatoes
Nah, sekitar beberapa minggu lalu gw nonton Soul Surfer! Indeed a good movie. Based on true story juga. Jadi ini Cewek, mimpinya jadi pro-surfer. Everything went well and smooth, dia dipilih ini dan itu. Pokoknya its like her dream right in front of her eyes deh. And out of sudden, ketika dya lagi berenang digigit hiu tangan kirinya (tenang aja gak ada adegan serem kok). Dan semenjak itu, semuanya berubah.. Disini diceritakan gimana dya jatuh bangun dan mengalami pertolongan Tuhan yg luar biasa :) Our God is a faithful and awesome God..
Ayok, silahkan dibeli dan ditonton sendiri.. Daripada nontonin drama2 korea ga jelas ;p *no harm yah* mending nonton ginian, yg bisa bantu sedikit banyak untuk kita set our heart in things that matter the most :) Kalo ada yg tau movie2 yg tipe2 begini lemme me know donk!! Thanks in advance and enjoy!!
-. Fireprrof
-. Gifted Hands --> Ini bagus banget! An old movie and based on true story! Me fav!
-. The Blind Side
-. Facing The Giants
-. Faith Like Potatoes
Nah, sekitar beberapa minggu lalu gw nonton Soul Surfer! Indeed a good movie. Based on true story juga. Jadi ini Cewek, mimpinya jadi pro-surfer. Everything went well and smooth, dia dipilih ini dan itu. Pokoknya its like her dream right in front of her eyes deh. And out of sudden, ketika dya lagi berenang digigit hiu tangan kirinya (tenang aja gak ada adegan serem kok). Dan semenjak itu, semuanya berubah.. Disini diceritakan gimana dya jatuh bangun dan mengalami pertolongan Tuhan yg luar biasa :) Our God is a faithful and awesome God..
Ayok, silahkan dibeli dan ditonton sendiri.. Daripada nontonin drama2 korea ga jelas ;p *no harm yah* mending nonton ginian, yg bisa bantu sedikit banyak untuk kita set our heart in things that matter the most :) Kalo ada yg tau movie2 yg tipe2 begini lemme me know donk!! Thanks in advance and enjoy!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cute Shoes
Yak karena saya anak design, jadi saya suka post something2 cute and unique ;p Dan mungkin menurut kalian rada gak penting ahaha, so bear with me. Kemaren share tentang HJ Story. Now I want to share about Kobi Levi - Footwear. How I wish to have all this cute shoes!!
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Olive Oyl |
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Banana |
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Blond Ambition |
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Blow |
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Dog |
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Miao |
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Sling Shot |
When I Met You
This poem is exactly what am feeling rite now..
Taken from here. I just took the first paragraph,
because the rest doesnt represent my feeling HAHA.
Yeah I know, GALAU detected!!
Taken from here. I just took the first paragraph,
because the rest doesnt represent my feeling HAHA.
Yeah I know, GALAU detected!!
When I met you
I wasn’t planning on falling in love
I wasn’t planning on feeling so attracted to someone
But you awakened feelings inside of me
That I forgotten existed
When I met you
I didn’t realize how much our love would grow
That the attraction that first brought us together
Would reach beyond passion
Belajar Dari Anjing (4)
Hal yang sangat simple, tapi seringkali terlupakan. Dan gw baru realize when I took this picture. Seperti biasa my dogs always wait faithfully while im eating. Nunggu untuk dikasih. Dan dya duduk dibawah kaki gw, manggil2 daerah kaki.
Gak pernah si enjo lancang, lgsg loncat ke pangkuan gw pas gw lagi makan, or tarik2 tangan gw. Dya cuma duduk dibawah kaki gw aja, toel2 kaki gw kalo gw cuekin dya.
Pas liat dia, mengigatkan gw untuk selalu duduk dan berdiam di bawah naungan kaki Tuhan. Mazmur 91:1, Orang yang berlindung pada Yang Mahatinggi, dan tinggal dalam naungan Yang Mahakuasa.
Duduk diam di bawah Kaki Tuhan berarti:
a) Humble ourself before the Lord
b) Rest in the shadow of the Almighty
Ingin hal2 besar terjadi dalam hidup kalian? Ingin perubahan? Ingin jawaban? Ayo kita duduk diam di bawah kaki Tuhan, seperti apa yg Maria lakukan. Duduk Diam di Kaki Tuhan melakukan pujian & penyembahan juga membaca dan merenungkan FirmanNya.
Ayo baca Lukas 10:38-42
39 Maria ini duduk dekat kaki Tuhan dan terus mendengarkan perkataan-Nya.
42 Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.
Gak pernah si enjo lancang, lgsg loncat ke pangkuan gw pas gw lagi makan, or tarik2 tangan gw. Dya cuma duduk dibawah kaki gw aja, toel2 kaki gw kalo gw cuekin dya.
Pas liat dia, mengigatkan gw untuk selalu duduk dan berdiam di bawah naungan kaki Tuhan. Mazmur 91:1, Orang yang berlindung pada Yang Mahatinggi, dan tinggal dalam naungan Yang Mahakuasa.
Duduk diam di bawah Kaki Tuhan berarti:
a) Humble ourself before the Lord
b) Rest in the shadow of the Almighty
Ingin hal2 besar terjadi dalam hidup kalian? Ingin perubahan? Ingin jawaban? Ayo kita duduk diam di bawah kaki Tuhan, seperti apa yg Maria lakukan. Duduk Diam di Kaki Tuhan melakukan pujian & penyembahan juga membaca dan merenungkan FirmanNya.
Ayo baca Lukas 10:38-42
39 Maria ini duduk dekat kaki Tuhan dan terus mendengarkan perkataan-Nya.
42 Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.
Saya lagi gatal-gatal
Dan saya sangat sebal
Garuk sana garuk sini
Bentol sana bentol sini
Ntah kenapa jadi begini?
Tidur pun sangat gelisah
Ingin selalu mendesah
Papa tolong ani gatelll
Pengen makan schotel
Pakai saleb tiap lima menit
Enzo yoyo melirik genit
Dikira saya mau kasih makan
Padahal lagi menahan siksaan
Harus segera ketemu dokter
Dan saya jadi keder
Karena takut jarum suntik
Semoga rasanya seperti dikelitik
Dan saya sangat sebal
Garuk sana garuk sini
Bentol sana bentol sini
Ntah kenapa jadi begini?
Tidur pun sangat gelisah
Ingin selalu mendesah
Papa tolong ani gatelll
Pengen makan schotel
Pakai saleb tiap lima menit
Enzo yoyo melirik genit
Dikira saya mau kasih makan
Padahal lagi menahan siksaan
Harus segera ketemu dokter
Dan saya jadi keder
Karena takut jarum suntik
Semoga rasanya seperti dikelitik
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Bentol di kaki >.< |
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Bentol di tangan sampe biru! |
Friday, November 25, 2011
Kota Kusam
Gerejaku, Mawar Sharon Favour mengadakan drama musikal Kota Kusam. Yang diperankan oleh anak2 kecil sekolah minggu. Pasti keren deh liat anak2 kecil bener2 all out to glorify His name :) Kalo kalian yang tinggal di jakarta mau nonton ini, contact me ya. Through Fb, leave comment here, or text me, etc :)
Sedikit cerita tentang Kota Kusam ini, jadi di booklet gereja ci Maria (pembimbing anak) cerita mengenai kesulitan biaya untuk drama musikal ini. Lalu dia menantang anak2 ini untuk memberikan 5roti dan 2ikan mereka, yaitu menyisihkan sedikit dari uang jajan mereka untuk pergelaran ini. And they did it :) How awesome is it.. Seeing those children perform for God's glory, for sure you will feel so blessed! So come come :)
SAKSIKAN dalam Pagelaran Drama Musikal yang bertajuk "KISAH KOTA KUSAM"
yang akan diadakan pada:
10 Desember 2011
pk. 10:00-12:00 WIB (SESI 1)
*majoritas untuk anak2 dari sekolahan lain, kami mengundang sekolah2 lain juga*
pk. 16:00-18:00 WIB (SESI 2)
*limited seat and first come first serve*
Gedung TRIBECA Lantai 1
Gereja Mawar Sharon Favour
Jakarta Barat
Sedikit cerita tentang Kota Kusam ini, jadi di booklet gereja ci Maria (pembimbing anak) cerita mengenai kesulitan biaya untuk drama musikal ini. Lalu dia menantang anak2 ini untuk memberikan 5roti dan 2ikan mereka, yaitu menyisihkan sedikit dari uang jajan mereka untuk pergelaran ini. And they did it :) How awesome is it.. Seeing those children perform for God's glory, for sure you will feel so blessed! So come come :)
SAKSIKAN dalam Pagelaran Drama Musikal yang bertajuk "KISAH KOTA KUSAM"
yang akan diadakan pada:
10 Desember 2011
pk. 10:00-12:00 WIB (SESI 1)
*majoritas untuk anak2 dari sekolahan lain, kami mengundang sekolah2 lain juga*
pk. 16:00-18:00 WIB (SESI 2)
*limited seat and first come first serve*
Gedung TRIBECA Lantai 1
Gereja Mawar Sharon Favour
Jakarta Barat
Thursday, November 24, 2011
BR: The Shack
The Shack by William P. Young. Pertama kali tau buku ini pas direview sama TepGun disini. Sepertinya menarik nih, tapi gw decide untuk beli yang indo aja ah soalnya berat nih kayanya jalan ceritanya daripada gw ketiduran terus pas baca ;p
Missy, putri bungsu Mack diculik dan dibunuh ketika Mack berusaha nyelamatin 2kakak mereka yg hampir tenggelam. Tragis huh? Bukti yg nunjukin kalo Missy uda dibunuh secara sadis dan kejam ditemukan di sebuah gubuk. Empat tahun kemudian, ditengah kesedihan terbesarnya.. Mack menerima pesan aneh yg mengundangnya untuk kembali ke gubuk itu. Dan.. apa yg dya temukan di gubuk itu mengubah hidupnya selamanya..
Ini cuplikan2 percakapan Mack dengan Tuhan yg bener2 ngena di hatiku. Mack warna biru dan Tuhan warna ungu yah :)
"Tetapi, aku masih belum mengerti mengapa Missy harus meninggal."
"Dia tidak harus meninggal, Mack. Ini bukan rencana Papa. Papa tidak akan pernah merencanakan kejahatan untuk menyelsaikan maksud baikNya. Kalianlah, manusia, yang telah memegang kejahatan dan Papa telah menanggapinya dengan kebaikan. Apa yang terjadi pada Missy adalah pekerjaan kejahatan dan tidak seorang pun di duniamu yang kebal darinya."
"Tetapi, itu sangat menyakitkan. Pasti ada jalan yang lebih baik."
"Ada. Engkau semata-mata tidak dapat melihatnya sekarang. Berpalinglah dari kemandirianmu, Mack. Berhentilah menjadi hakimNya dan kenalilah Papa yang sebenarnya. Dengan demikian engkau akan dapat menerima cintaNya di tengah-tengah kepedihanmu, alih-alih mendorong Dia menjauh dengan persepsimu yang egois."
"Jadi, Engkau menggunakan kepedihan untuk memaksa orang-orang kembali padaMu?"
"Sayang, aku memaklumi bahwa ini sangat sulit bagimu, yang sedemikian tersesat dalam persepsi realitasmu. Cinta sejati tidak pernah memaksa. Semua kejahatan mengalir dari kemandirian, dunia yang kau tahu akan lenyap dan cinta tidak akan punya arti. Kejahatan adalah kekacauan zaman ini yang kalian bawa kepadaKu, tetapi bukan kejahatan yang memegang keputusan terakhir."
"Aku buntu, Papa. Aku tidak dapat melupakan apa yang dilakukannya, bukan?"
"Mack, mengampuni laki-laki tersebut berarti melepaskannya kepadaKu dan membiarkan Aku menebusnya. Itu berarti merelakan dendammu kepadaKu. Mack, tidakkah kau lihat bahwa pengampunan adalah kuasa luar biasa. Pengampunan bagimu adalah pertama-tama untuk membebaskanmu dari sesuatu yang akan menyantapmu hidup-hidup; yang akan menghancurkan sukacita dan kemampuanmu untuk mengasihi secara utuh dan terbuka."
Intinya buku ini menceritakan perjalanan bagaimana Tuhan mengubahkan hati Mack yang keras, penuh kepahitan, penyesalan menjadi hati yang baru. Dan prosesnya sangat gak gampang dan euuhhhh sakit! Cerita ini membuka mata saya lebar2 dan mengerti hati Tuhan lebih dalam lagi :)
Di tengah dunia yang cepat berubah dan agama yang tidak lagi dianggap relevan. The Shack bergumul dengan pertanyaan yang tak lekang oleh waktu: Di manakah Tuhan dalam dunia yang sarat dengan kepedihan yang tak terkatakan? Jawaban yang diperoleh Mack akan mengejutkan kalian dan mungkin akan merubah kalian seperti yang terjadi pada Mack and me :D
God's Glory In Marriage
Lagi buka2 youtube, type ini dan itu, terus ketemu sama video ini :)
Pertamanya mikir ga seru ah, tapi pas gw nonton sampe abis biking gw melongo dan menganga *lebay* Really change my point of view. So go watch yourself!
Sedikit cuplikan:
God will bring you into a relationship with someone most of the time who is not only not compatible with you but is weak, tremendously weak especially in the very areas where you would most want them to be strong.
Why? Penasaran? WATCH WATCH WATCH :)
Pertamanya mikir ga seru ah, tapi pas gw nonton sampe abis biking gw melongo dan menganga *lebay* Really change my point of view. So go watch yourself!
Sedikit cuplikan:
God will bring you into a relationship with someone most of the time who is not only not compatible with you but is weak, tremendously weak especially in the very areas where you would most want them to be strong.
Why? Penasaran? WATCH WATCH WATCH :)
Thanksgiving Thursday: Tidur Nyenyak
Udah hari Kamis lagi aje, time flies boo :) Cepet banget!! Kali ini mo give thanks simple aje, tidur nyenyak! Siapa dari kalian yg suka kesusahan tidur? Uda merem lebih dari setengah jem masi aja guling2an gelisah? Insomnia we may called.
Aku bersyukur bener dah jaranggggggggggg banget ngalamin itu. Sering denger cerita dari temen2 yg susah tidur and it is very awful! Cant imagine if I need to facing that problem most of the nite :S Aku terkenal dengan panggilan sleeping beauty.. Baik di Singapore maupun di Jakarta sini. Teman terdekatku hapal mengenai 3hal:
1. Ani tidur lama
2. Ani mandi lama
3. Ani makan lama
Huahaha.. I really thank God, I seldom experience insomnia. Within 5mins once I touch my pillow, I can sleep. Dan bukan hanya tidur doank, tapi tidur nyenyakk!! Bangun dengan keadaan segar bugar :D And I can sleep everywhere, inside the bus, beridir nyender di dalem mrt, etc.
Temen gw pernah nanya, "apa sih ni yg kamu pikirin sebelon tidur?" Ehmm aku mikirin apa aja sih yg lewat kepikiran, tapi ntah napa tiba2 bisa lgsg pules. Dan kejadian itu sangat cepat! TAPII sebelon tidur, harus doa Bapa Kami dulu. Kalo gak doa itu gak bisa tidur. Jadi siapa yg mengalami insomnia, coba doa Bapa Kami sebelon tidur. It works for me, maybe works for you too :D
This post is written for Thanksgiving Thursday, a program made to remind us to continuously count our blessings. Come and join us, or just simply come and read stories from other people. Click HERE
Aku bersyukur bener dah jaranggggggggggg banget ngalamin itu. Sering denger cerita dari temen2 yg susah tidur and it is very awful! Cant imagine if I need to facing that problem most of the nite :S Aku terkenal dengan panggilan sleeping beauty.. Baik di Singapore maupun di Jakarta sini. Teman terdekatku hapal mengenai 3hal:
1. Ani tidur lama
2. Ani mandi lama
3. Ani makan lama
Huahaha.. I really thank God, I seldom experience insomnia. Within 5mins once I touch my pillow, I can sleep. Dan bukan hanya tidur doank, tapi tidur nyenyakk!! Bangun dengan keadaan segar bugar :D And I can sleep everywhere, inside the bus, beridir nyender di dalem mrt, etc.
Temen gw pernah nanya, "apa sih ni yg kamu pikirin sebelon tidur?" Ehmm aku mikirin apa aja sih yg lewat kepikiran, tapi ntah napa tiba2 bisa lgsg pules. Dan kejadian itu sangat cepat! TAPII sebelon tidur, harus doa Bapa Kami dulu. Kalo gak doa itu gak bisa tidur. Jadi siapa yg mengalami insomnia, coba doa Bapa Kami sebelon tidur. It works for me, maybe works for you too :D
This post is written for Thanksgiving Thursday, a program made to remind us to continuously count our blessings. Come and join us, or just simply come and read stories from other people. Click HERE
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
BR: God Girl
Okay I will try to do the book review :) This is the first time, so please bear with me ;p Im doing review on God Girl by Hayley Dimarco. A good book indeed. I love the way she wrote and most of the sentences is amazing. I quote it alot! And the cover is just so sweet! Sometimes I do judge a book by its cover ;p
The God girl is the most amazing girl on earth. She loves God with all her heart, soul, mind and strength. She knows where she came from and where she is going. Her life isn't perfect–sometimes it’s messy. But what makes her different from just any girl is her relationship with the Creator of the universe. A God Girl isn’t just interested in God, she’s connected to Him.
Learning to be a God Girl in every area of your life doesn’t have to be hard. Find out how a God Girl:
•finds true happiness
•knows herself
•knows how to communicate
•and knows God
My favorite chapter is chapter 3, a girl who knows true happiness. A girl who knows true happiness is a girl who knows truth and loves it. Do you know and realized that worry is a sin? Because God said trust Him! Does your happiness come and go? Does you ever doubt yourself, your God and your faith? Sometimes I do.. :x
Happy comes and happy goes. But true happiness is something different. It's an undying faith no matter what happens, "it is well with my soul." The God girl may be in mourning, she may be in pain, but she never comes out from under the shelter of the wings of God. She knows that "He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge. His truth is your shield and amor" Psalm 91!
I cant. It's too hard. Im depressed. Im afraid. These are the words most often we say or think about. Agree? ;p We need to fully know that we are protected by the Creator of the universe. God never commands us to do something impossible. What could harm you? Nothing! Nothing, except what He allows it for your benefit.
Happiness is always just a thought away. Think sad thoughts and you will be sad; think happy thoughts and you will be happy. Our happiness rest in our hands. You are what you think! We need to replace those wrong thoughts with the truth. And God is the way the truth and the life. Don't ever let how you feel dictate what you believe. Feelings lie, but God's word never does.
Hayley write this: "God does not use you greatly until He hurts you deeply." Im quite shocked when I read this, but here is the explanation.. When pain comes at you from outside of yourself (in other words, when it isn't self-inflicted), you can be sure that God wants to use it to make you stronger and more devoted. No one can find happiness in the hard times better than a God girl, because happiness depends on knowing God's hand is at work no matter what circumstances. Romans 8:28!
Okay, I will not summarize every chapter ;p So if you want to know more about this book, just buy the book. Believe me this book is worth your money and your time :)
The God girl is the most amazing girl on earth. She loves God with all her heart, soul, mind and strength. She knows where she came from and where she is going. Her life isn't perfect–sometimes it’s messy. But what makes her different from just any girl is her relationship with the Creator of the universe. A God Girl isn’t just interested in God, she’s connected to Him.
Learning to be a God Girl in every area of your life doesn’t have to be hard. Find out how a God Girl:
•finds true happiness
•knows herself
•knows how to communicate
•and knows God
My favorite chapter is chapter 3, a girl who knows true happiness. A girl who knows true happiness is a girl who knows truth and loves it. Do you know and realized that worry is a sin? Because God said trust Him! Does your happiness come and go? Does you ever doubt yourself, your God and your faith? Sometimes I do.. :x
Happy comes and happy goes. But true happiness is something different. It's an undying faith no matter what happens, "it is well with my soul." The God girl may be in mourning, she may be in pain, but she never comes out from under the shelter of the wings of God. She knows that "He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge. His truth is your shield and amor" Psalm 91!
I cant. It's too hard. Im depressed. Im afraid. These are the words most often we say or think about. Agree? ;p We need to fully know that we are protected by the Creator of the universe. God never commands us to do something impossible. What could harm you? Nothing! Nothing, except what He allows it for your benefit.
Happiness is always just a thought away. Think sad thoughts and you will be sad; think happy thoughts and you will be happy. Our happiness rest in our hands. You are what you think! We need to replace those wrong thoughts with the truth. And God is the way the truth and the life. Don't ever let how you feel dictate what you believe. Feelings lie, but God's word never does.
Hayley write this: "God does not use you greatly until He hurts you deeply." Im quite shocked when I read this, but here is the explanation.. When pain comes at you from outside of yourself (in other words, when it isn't self-inflicted), you can be sure that God wants to use it to make you stronger and more devoted. No one can find happiness in the hard times better than a God girl, because happiness depends on knowing God's hand is at work no matter what circumstances. Romans 8:28!
Okay, I will not summarize every chapter ;p So if you want to know more about this book, just buy the book. Believe me this book is worth your money and your time :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Ladies Ayo Jadi Barang Antik
Lagi chatting di FB sama my budies, dodo. Cerita ngalor ngidul, curcol. Cerita2 tentang perihal hubungan pria dan wanita lah ahaha.. Terus dya bilang gini:
Ayo cewek2 kita jadi barang antik :) Tau kan barang antik kaya gimana? Makin tua barangnya makin mahal harganya. Disini gw ga bilang harus jadi tua cepet2.. kaga!! Tapi dimana kita redeeming our single time to the fullest. Jangan sibuk mencari pria mana yg potensial ato sibuk list down mao cowo begini begitu, TAPI biar kita menjadi seseorang yg kita inginkan ada di calon pasangan kita.
Jangan sampe karena kt skrg tll sibuk list down ini itu sampe kt lupa membenahi diri sendiri, dan itu akan menyesal kelak. Udah gak jadi barang antik donk? Sapa hayo yg mau merid sama cewe yg BENER2 GAK TAU atau GAK PERNAH nyetrika baju, ngepel, masak, atur uang or lets say benahin dirinya sndiri aja gak becus gmn mo benahin org lain? Well, u might say cita2 cari orang tajir jd bs sewa pembantu *jeder* TAPI hai kaum pria apakah anda mau menikahi wanita seperti itu? Ato mungkin kalian oke2 saja? Ayo coba baca ulang di Proverbs 31, itu adalah teladannya wanita Allah :)
Gw tau rasanya mupeng liatin temen2 lain uda punya pacar, dan mikir kapan ye giliran gw? Tapi si odong temen gw ini ingetin jadi barang antik. Which means daripada sibuk TP2 (Tebar Pesona) atau sibuk mengasihani diri sendiri karena ga ada yg ngelirik kita. Mendingan kita fokus membenarkan diri dan be a woman worth fighting for, a woman worth his love. Toh disaat karakter kita mateng dan terbentuk, tenang saja the right woman will attract the right man :D Sinar yg begitu terang tak akan bisa disembunyikan kan? And of course the right person, at the right time and at the right place.
So ayoo redeeming our single life to the fullest! Biar gak ada penyesalan. Ayo jadi barang antik, walo sekarang kayanya sepi2 aje tapi begitu matang oleh waktu harganya mahal :) Let us be a woman that busy walking with God through our youth life and asking Him for more wisdom!
Jangan sampe karena kt skrg tll sibuk list down ini itu sampe kt lupa membenahi diri sendiri, dan itu akan menyesal kelak. Udah gak jadi barang antik donk? Sapa hayo yg mau merid sama cewe yg BENER2 GAK TAU atau GAK PERNAH nyetrika baju, ngepel, masak, atur uang or lets say benahin dirinya sndiri aja gak becus gmn mo benahin org lain? Well, u might say cita2 cari orang tajir jd bs sewa pembantu *jeder* TAPI hai kaum pria apakah anda mau menikahi wanita seperti itu? Ato mungkin kalian oke2 saja? Ayo coba baca ulang di Proverbs 31, itu adalah teladannya wanita Allah :)
Gw tau rasanya mupeng liatin temen2 lain uda punya pacar, dan mikir kapan ye giliran gw? Tapi si odong temen gw ini ingetin jadi barang antik. Which means daripada sibuk TP2 (Tebar Pesona) atau sibuk mengasihani diri sendiri karena ga ada yg ngelirik kita. Mendingan kita fokus membenarkan diri dan be a woman worth fighting for, a woman worth his love. Toh disaat karakter kita mateng dan terbentuk, tenang saja the right woman will attract the right man :D Sinar yg begitu terang tak akan bisa disembunyikan kan? And of course the right person, at the right time and at the right place.
So ayoo redeeming our single life to the fullest! Biar gak ada penyesalan. Ayo jadi barang antik, walo sekarang kayanya sepi2 aje tapi begitu matang oleh waktu harganya mahal :) Let us be a woman that busy walking with God through our youth life and asking Him for more wisdom!
Belajar Dari Anjing (3)
Click here to read part 1. And here to read part 2.
Anjing gw itu suka ikudin gw kemana aja. Kaya bayang2 gw, lucu dan gemes deh hehe. Tapi kadangkala dya rese juga. Dipanggilin ga mao keluar dari kolong kursi. Nah gmn caranya biar dya keluar? Gw ambil piring dan garpu terus gw bunyiin TENG TENG TENG. Langsung dah pada keluar dikirain makanan ;p
Pas gw makan, mereka akan sangat setia nungguin gw (baca: berharap dikasi makan). Awalnya gw ud tekad ga mau berbagi makanan ntah karena itu bertulang, gw takut dya kesedek terus usunya luka. Or makanan itu asin. Bisa bikin bulunya rontok. TAPIIII karena mereka begitu gigih dan tampangnya super melas. gw luluh juga, toh gw mikir gw kasih sedikit aja ga masalah kok.
Tapi ketika gw makan cokelat, gw gak akan luluh! Mau mereka nunggu sampe berjam2 ato ngeluarin suara nangis2 kek. Ato tampang memelas ekor turun. Gw gak akan tergoda. Why? Karena cokelat itu bisa bikin anjing modar.. Dan karena saya sangatttt mengasihi mereka ga mgkn lah gw kasi sesuatu yg membahayakan mereka..
Dan tiba2 gw keinget ayat ini..
Matius 7:11
Jadi jika kamu yang jahat tahu memberi pemberian yang baik kepada anak-anakmu, apalagi Bapamu yang di sorga! Ia akan memberikan yang baik kepada mereka yang meminta kepada-Nya.
Terkadang gw marah dan sebel dan ngambek dan ngerajuk sama Tuhan ketika hal yg gw mau tuh ga dikasi. Gw jarang banget minta spesifik sama Tuhan yg gw sebut merek. Contoh: Bapa ani mao masuk ke sekolah Dian Harapan or Tuhan ani mao kerja di Apixels, or Axioo. Biasanya gw cuma doa dan ya udah I know You the best. Tapi dulu pas gw doain bener2 mao masuk Dian Harapan ato mao kerja di Apixels itu dan ga kesampean gw sedih kecewa.. Gw doa bilang yah walo ani mao ini tapi biar kehendakMu yg jadi. Tapi Tuhannnn pleaseee pengen banget jarang loh ani minta detail n bnr2 pengen gini.
DAN ketika semua itu ga kesampean, pertama ok. kedua ya bolehlah. ketiga.. gw marah dan kesel. Tuhan, gw jarang loh minta sesuatu bener2 specific. Dan sampe kapan gw harus terus giving up my dreams? GGGRRRR.. Gw jujur semuanyaa sama Tuhan kalo gw kecewa sedih dan gw sempet takut untuk meminta sst dgn specific lagi, why? karena takut pengalaman ditolak. Tho~ i know that He knows the best TAPI gw ga muna kalo susah untuk mengerti jalanNya.
Dari kejadian ini gw sadar, kalo He loves me so dearly that He dont want to see me suffer for things yg sebenernya gak perlu. Ayat Isaiah 55:8 selalu jd pegangan gw disaat apa yg gw mimpikan pupus. Tapi sekali lagi, His love really capture my heart.. No one else can touch my heart like He did. Dan karena kasihNya saya bisa berdiri tegar hari ini :) regardless of anything because im clinging to His promises 1cor2:9! And my prayer will always be.. open up my eyes to things unseen :D
Ini ada beberapa quotes dari ci Nelly yg dya share di twitternya. I love it :)
Anjing gw itu suka ikudin gw kemana aja. Kaya bayang2 gw, lucu dan gemes deh hehe. Tapi kadangkala dya rese juga. Dipanggilin ga mao keluar dari kolong kursi. Nah gmn caranya biar dya keluar? Gw ambil piring dan garpu terus gw bunyiin TENG TENG TENG. Langsung dah pada keluar dikirain makanan ;p
Pas gw makan, mereka akan sangat setia nungguin gw (baca: berharap dikasi makan). Awalnya gw ud tekad ga mau berbagi makanan ntah karena itu bertulang, gw takut dya kesedek terus usunya luka. Or makanan itu asin. Bisa bikin bulunya rontok. TAPIIII karena mereka begitu gigih dan tampangnya super melas. gw luluh juga, toh gw mikir gw kasih sedikit aja ga masalah kok.
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Yoyo dari kolong meja nyembul minta gado2 ;p |
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Enjo dari kolong ranjang berusaha naek minta risol ;p |
Tapi ketika gw makan cokelat, gw gak akan luluh! Mau mereka nunggu sampe berjam2 ato ngeluarin suara nangis2 kek. Ato tampang memelas ekor turun. Gw gak akan tergoda. Why? Karena cokelat itu bisa bikin anjing modar.. Dan karena saya sangatttt mengasihi mereka ga mgkn lah gw kasi sesuatu yg membahayakan mereka..
Dan tiba2 gw keinget ayat ini..
Matius 7:11
Jadi jika kamu yang jahat tahu memberi pemberian yang baik kepada anak-anakmu, apalagi Bapamu yang di sorga! Ia akan memberikan yang baik kepada mereka yang meminta kepada-Nya.
Terkadang gw marah dan sebel dan ngambek dan ngerajuk sama Tuhan ketika hal yg gw mau tuh ga dikasi. Gw jarang banget minta spesifik sama Tuhan yg gw sebut merek. Contoh: Bapa ani mao masuk ke sekolah Dian Harapan or Tuhan ani mao kerja di Apixels, or Axioo. Biasanya gw cuma doa dan ya udah I know You the best. Tapi dulu pas gw doain bener2 mao masuk Dian Harapan ato mao kerja di Apixels itu dan ga kesampean gw sedih kecewa.. Gw doa bilang yah walo ani mao ini tapi biar kehendakMu yg jadi. Tapi Tuhannnn pleaseee pengen banget jarang loh ani minta detail n bnr2 pengen gini.
DAN ketika semua itu ga kesampean, pertama ok. kedua ya bolehlah. ketiga.. gw marah dan kesel. Tuhan, gw jarang loh minta sesuatu bener2 specific. Dan sampe kapan gw harus terus giving up my dreams? GGGRRRR.. Gw jujur semuanyaa sama Tuhan kalo gw kecewa sedih dan gw sempet takut untuk meminta sst dgn specific lagi, why? karena takut pengalaman ditolak. Tho~ i know that He knows the best TAPI gw ga muna kalo susah untuk mengerti jalanNya.
Dari kejadian ini gw sadar, kalo He loves me so dearly that He dont want to see me suffer for things yg sebenernya gak perlu. Ayat Isaiah 55:8 selalu jd pegangan gw disaat apa yg gw mimpikan pupus. Tapi sekali lagi, His love really capture my heart.. No one else can touch my heart like He did. Dan karena kasihNya saya bisa berdiri tegar hari ini :) regardless of anything because im clinging to His promises 1cor2:9! And my prayer will always be.. open up my eyes to things unseen :D
Ini ada beberapa quotes dari ci Nelly yg dya share di twitternya. I love it :)
Then He asked them, "But who do you say I am?" Peter replied, "You are the Messiah."(Mark8:29) Your perception of God is the benchmark of your faith. If you view God as an overcomer,then you will have faith as one.
If you view God as a God who owns the universe, then you will have faith He will provide everything you need.
If you view God as a Father, then you will have unshakeable faith that He would loooovveee to give u His Best :) -->paling nancep! unshakeable faith!
If you view God as a God who is a strong fortress, then you will have unshakeable faith that He will stand strong beside you no matter what. You get the point. Your perception of God counts!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Man With His Logic And Woman With Her Emotion
Beberapa minggu lalu ada kejadian begini.. Gw manggilin enzo, my cutie dog. Dia gak nyaut.. Gw cari segala penjuru di kolong2 juga gak ada. Si mama sadar juga ada yg tidak beres karena saya panggil2in ga keluar. Si mama juga manggilin eh ttp ga kluar. Terus nyokap gw keluar dari kamar dya and nanya ke mba gw: Pennn si enjo mana? Itu pintu kebuka lagi. Duh kabur deh dya jangan2.

Terus gw uda panic at the disco banget baru sadar tu pintu kebuka. Terus kalo ada anjing ilang di komplek perumahan gw ga bakal ketemu deh. Golden uda ada yang perna ilang. Minggu lalu nyak gw cerita ada pom cokelat ilang, yang nemu dikasi 200rb. Gara2 ga ada kabar, dinaekin jadi 500rb. Tapi tetep aja ga ketemu T__T apalagi ini pom gw yg putih.. pom putih kan jarang gitu, terus juga gw uda lemes ngebayangin anjing gw ntah gmn nasibnya ntar. And I started crying and blaming my mba soalnya bisa2nya ga tutup pintu gggrr..
Nah disaat itu juga dede gw yg cowo keluar kamar, sibuk neriakin enjo en cari2 juga. Suasana makin memanas dan nyak gw uda ikutan mo nangis juga. Gw uda jongkok aja lemes berharap nemuin si enjo di kolong kursi. Pas itu gw liat dd gw yg cowo lgsg ambil jaketnya dan kunci motor. Gw tanya, mo ngapain lu? Dya bilang mo keliling komplek cari enzo sapa tau kaburnya belon jauh.
DANG!! Gak kepikiran yah.. Kita yg cewe2 uda pada lemes dan panic dan ga bisa mikir dgn jelas. Tapi dede gw yg cowo dengan logic nya lgsg ambil inisiatif cari keliling komplek, yg ga kepikiran sama sekali ma gw karena gw udah crowded by emotions.
Abis kejadian ini gw sadar, kenapa Tuhan ingin kita wanita tunduk dalam otoritas pria. We need to submit to man and do our role to be his helper.. Buat gw susah karena gw type cewe yang dominan dan keras. Its like I can do it with you or without your help. And anyway I love to do it alone in my own way coz I dont like to disturb others. --> this kind of thinking yg bkin gw susah untuk submit fully sama cowo. Gw juga inget temen gereja gw, cowo; perna ingetin gw, kamu jangan terlalu dominan ya anie pas ntar ketemu your prince. Harus ngalah dan submit and let go your ego. Gw iyain aja, tuh kan bener keras kepalanya gw bisa sampe diliat org sekitar. Padahal gw ma temen gw itu ga gitu deket banget but I truly respect him because He is a man of God and very humble. I like!
Dan seperti yg dibahas oleh Ps. Jaeson Ma di 5 Pillars of Manhood ada kalimat yg begini: It’s disappointing, but I hear it from women of faith all the time, “Pastor Jaeson, where are the godly men?” saya setuju sama pertanyaan itu. Dan ci Nelly juga setuju ahuahau, dya bahas lebih lagi disini.
Ehmm gw juga truly agree kalo ada beberapa wanita punya stronger leadership skills, stronger personalities, and way smarter than a man. But again, we as a woman need to submit and give the role to man to lead. Why? because man with his logic and woman with her emotion. And because God told us so.. He is never wrong! So lets we learn together :) Kita cewe submit sama cowo bukan hanya submit sama pacar aja loh. Tapi siapapun dia yg Tuhan tempatkan dan percayakan di atas kita, untuk lead kita dan membantu kita into Chirst likeness.
By the way kelanjutan cerita guguk gw, ternyata mba gw lupa kalo dya sendiri taro anjing gw di loteng. Jeder cape dehhh!!!! See God's works in miraculous way to teach us more and more :) Kalo gak dari kejadian ini kayanya gw ga sadar2 deh huahua. *kepalabatu*

Terus gw uda panic at the disco banget baru sadar tu pintu kebuka. Terus kalo ada anjing ilang di komplek perumahan gw ga bakal ketemu deh. Golden uda ada yang perna ilang. Minggu lalu nyak gw cerita ada pom cokelat ilang, yang nemu dikasi 200rb. Gara2 ga ada kabar, dinaekin jadi 500rb. Tapi tetep aja ga ketemu T__T apalagi ini pom gw yg putih.. pom putih kan jarang gitu, terus juga gw uda lemes ngebayangin anjing gw ntah gmn nasibnya ntar. And I started crying and blaming my mba soalnya bisa2nya ga tutup pintu gggrr..
Nah disaat itu juga dede gw yg cowo keluar kamar, sibuk neriakin enjo en cari2 juga. Suasana makin memanas dan nyak gw uda ikutan mo nangis juga. Gw uda jongkok aja lemes berharap nemuin si enjo di kolong kursi. Pas itu gw liat dd gw yg cowo lgsg ambil jaketnya dan kunci motor. Gw tanya, mo ngapain lu? Dya bilang mo keliling komplek cari enzo sapa tau kaburnya belon jauh.
DANG!! Gak kepikiran yah.. Kita yg cewe2 uda pada lemes dan panic dan ga bisa mikir dgn jelas. Tapi dede gw yg cowo dengan logic nya lgsg ambil inisiatif cari keliling komplek, yg ga kepikiran sama sekali ma gw karena gw udah crowded by emotions.
Abis kejadian ini gw sadar, kenapa Tuhan ingin kita wanita tunduk dalam otoritas pria. We need to submit to man and do our role to be his helper.. Buat gw susah karena gw type cewe yang dominan dan keras. Its like I can do it with you or without your help. And anyway I love to do it alone in my own way coz I dont like to disturb others. --> this kind of thinking yg bkin gw susah untuk submit fully sama cowo. Gw juga inget temen gereja gw, cowo; perna ingetin gw, kamu jangan terlalu dominan ya anie pas ntar ketemu your prince. Harus ngalah dan submit and let go your ego. Gw iyain aja, tuh kan bener keras kepalanya gw bisa sampe diliat org sekitar. Padahal gw ma temen gw itu ga gitu deket banget but I truly respect him because He is a man of God and very humble. I like!
Dan seperti yg dibahas oleh Ps. Jaeson Ma di 5 Pillars of Manhood ada kalimat yg begini: It’s disappointing, but I hear it from women of faith all the time, “Pastor Jaeson, where are the godly men?” saya setuju sama pertanyaan itu. Dan ci Nelly juga setuju ahuahau, dya bahas lebih lagi disini.
Ehmm gw juga truly agree kalo ada beberapa wanita punya stronger leadership skills, stronger personalities, and way smarter than a man. But again, we as a woman need to submit and give the role to man to lead. Why? because man with his logic and woman with her emotion. And because God told us so.. He is never wrong! So lets we learn together :) Kita cewe submit sama cowo bukan hanya submit sama pacar aja loh. Tapi siapapun dia yg Tuhan tempatkan dan percayakan di atas kita, untuk lead kita dan membantu kita into Chirst likeness.
By the way kelanjutan cerita guguk gw, ternyata mba gw lupa kalo dya sendiri taro anjing gw di loteng. Jeder cape dehhh!!!! See God's works in miraculous way to teach us more and more :) Kalo gak dari kejadian ini kayanya gw ga sadar2 deh huahua. *kepalabatu*
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Lord I Give You My Heart

This is my desire
To honor You
Lord with all my heart
I worship You
All I have within me
I give You praise
All that I adore is in You
Lord, I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Every Breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord, have Your way in me
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thanksgiving Thursday: A New Heart
Kalung saya putus! Yak putus huhu :( Rantenya aja sih yg putus. Ini kalung dari Anita.. Pas gw ulang tahun ke 21 kemaren ini yeayy! And I love it!
Lalu gw cari kalung gw yg lain, karena uda kebiasaan pake kalo gak pake aneh gitu. Kalung snowman gw ga tau dikemanain sama nyak gw. Jadi gw ketemu kalung dari Ex gw.
Kalungnya ini bentuk salib, and to be honest. Dari semua kalung yg paling gw suka ya ini. Gw dari dulu pengen punya kalung salib. Tpi karena background keluarga gw tu budhist mayan kenceng, nyak babe gw ga kasi gw beli. Even if I buy use my own money. Nah kalung ini dikasih pas gw ultah ke 20 :) Toh karena ini dari orang lain ga mgkn donk nyak babe gw ngoceh2. Toh dulu nyak babe gw juga sayang ma Ex gw.
Dan juga kalung ini diamondnya sama ma bentuk cincin gw.. Jadi gw suka banget deh.. Dulu gw exalt him banget karena tumben2nya dya perhatiin sampe detail begitu. Jarang bgt ahaha.. Sounds so sweet huh? Mo tau cerita gw struggle putusnya gimana? Click here.

Masa2 putus itu adalah masa2 yg sulittt banget buat gw.. Ketika akhirnya gw berhasil melupakan dia dan semua kenangan2 bareng dya, yang tersisa adalah ANGER. Yap! Anger!! I wanna do revenge on my own. Gw gak seneng kalo liat dy bahagia or sukses, gw pengen ketawa pas dya sedih! Intinya gw pengen dya merasakan apa yg gw rasakan!! Padahal toh jelas2 di bilble ditulis Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. -Romans 12:15
Gw berdoa bener2 sama Tuhan, Tuhan ani kasih ke Tuhan semua hati ani ya Bapa. Bukan hanya setengah2. Tapi semuanya!! Tolong berikan ani hati yang baru. I believe You are the God who makes all things new! Gw inget banget pernah suatu malem, gw galau tingkat tinggi. Gw doa sama Tuhan, gw bilang ke Tuhan.. Gw gak akan stop sampe You blessed me, and take away all my burden.
Dan kemaren ketika gw ambil nih kalung, dan gw pake sendiri. Udah no feeling at all :) Udah ga ada pikiran, kalo ntar dya or temen2nya liat gw pake ni kalung gimana? Apa ga dipikir gw masi mengharapkan? Ah! Sebodo teuing. Gw juga sempet bingung sndiri.. Dari kapan ya Tuhan ani uda ga ada rasa gini? Uda lupa bener2? Ah ntahlah tapi yg jelas Im really grateful for His faithfulness in my life :D
Gak jarang gw sedih dan mempertanyakan ma Tuhan kenapa harus putus dll. Tapi kalo bukan karena putusnya itu, gw gak akan merasakan kasihNya dan jalanNya yg bgitu sempurna di hidup gw.. For his strength is made perfect in my weakness. Thank God for a new heart..
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
This post is written for Thanksgiving Thursday, a program made to remind us to continuously count our blessings. Come and join us, or just simply come and read stories from other people. Click HERE
Lalu gw cari kalung gw yg lain, karena uda kebiasaan pake kalo gak pake aneh gitu. Kalung snowman gw ga tau dikemanain sama nyak gw. Jadi gw ketemu kalung dari Ex gw.
Kalungnya ini bentuk salib, and to be honest. Dari semua kalung yg paling gw suka ya ini. Gw dari dulu pengen punya kalung salib. Tpi karena background keluarga gw tu budhist mayan kenceng, nyak babe gw ga kasi gw beli. Even if I buy use my own money. Nah kalung ini dikasih pas gw ultah ke 20 :) Toh karena ini dari orang lain ga mgkn donk nyak babe gw ngoceh2. Toh dulu nyak babe gw juga sayang ma Ex gw.
Dan juga kalung ini diamondnya sama ma bentuk cincin gw.. Jadi gw suka banget deh.. Dulu gw exalt him banget karena tumben2nya dya perhatiin sampe detail begitu. Jarang bgt ahaha.. Sounds so sweet huh? Mo tau cerita gw struggle putusnya gimana? Click here.

Masa2 putus itu adalah masa2 yg sulittt banget buat gw.. Ketika akhirnya gw berhasil melupakan dia dan semua kenangan2 bareng dya, yang tersisa adalah ANGER. Yap! Anger!! I wanna do revenge on my own. Gw gak seneng kalo liat dy bahagia or sukses, gw pengen ketawa pas dya sedih! Intinya gw pengen dya merasakan apa yg gw rasakan!! Padahal toh jelas2 di bilble ditulis Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. -Romans 12:15
Gw berdoa bener2 sama Tuhan, Tuhan ani kasih ke Tuhan semua hati ani ya Bapa. Bukan hanya setengah2. Tapi semuanya!! Tolong berikan ani hati yang baru. I believe You are the God who makes all things new! Gw inget banget pernah suatu malem, gw galau tingkat tinggi. Gw doa sama Tuhan, gw bilang ke Tuhan.. Gw gak akan stop sampe You blessed me, and take away all my burden.
Dan kemaren ketika gw ambil nih kalung, dan gw pake sendiri. Udah no feeling at all :) Udah ga ada pikiran, kalo ntar dya or temen2nya liat gw pake ni kalung gimana? Apa ga dipikir gw masi mengharapkan? Ah! Sebodo teuing. Gw juga sempet bingung sndiri.. Dari kapan ya Tuhan ani uda ga ada rasa gini? Uda lupa bener2? Ah ntahlah tapi yg jelas Im really grateful for His faithfulness in my life :D
Gak jarang gw sedih dan mempertanyakan ma Tuhan kenapa harus putus dll. Tapi kalo bukan karena putusnya itu, gw gak akan merasakan kasihNya dan jalanNya yg bgitu sempurna di hidup gw.. For his strength is made perfect in my weakness. Thank God for a new heart..
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
This post is written for Thanksgiving Thursday, a program made to remind us to continuously count our blessings. Come and join us, or just simply come and read stories from other people. Click HERE
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Love Is...
GILING!! Im supposed to working on my job. But very lazy and I do some browsing.. I find his piece of art.. So lovely, so unique and so cute!! Geez.. To see more of his works, click here.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
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1 Corinthians 13:4-7
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Snake Or Fish?

She is so lovely.. Ci Rina juga such a great blessings in my life. Im so blessed to know you and your family ci :D
Dya tulis begini di status FBnya:
Bapa manakah di antara kamu, jika anaknya minta ikan dari padanya,
akan memberikan ular kepada anaknya itu ganti ikan? (Luk 11:11)
Tapi masalahnya.., kita sering berdoa dan meminta ular.., bukan ikan..
Pas baca gw langsung nyengar-nyengir dan mikir, iya juga yah. Gak jarang gw berdoa sama Tuhan.. Tuhan ani mao kerja dimanapun Engkau menempatkan ani Bapa, tapi yah kalo bisa ani mao kerja di A Bapa. Ato kaga, Tuhan ani tau Bapa kalo Engkau gak akan pernah terlambat even one second. Tapiiiii astagaaa uda cape nih nunggunya huhu.. cepetan donk!
Hayoooo bukan kah secara tidak langsung saya juga meminta ular kepada Tuhan? haha. Walo andil2nya awal2nya gw menyerahkan kepada Tuhan tapi akhir2nya gw tarik balik lagi secara sadar ataupun tidak sadar..
Dan ketika gw mendapatkan si ular, dan segalanya tidak sesuai dan semulus yg saya bayangkan. Mulailah saya kepaitan dan ngoceh2 sama Tuhan. Toh kalo di pikir baik2 lagi bukannya gw sendiri yah yg meminta ular kepada Tuhan? NAH LOH!
Dari status Fb ci Rina ini mengingatkan gw kembali kalo percaya ama Tuhan itu harus fullllll ga bisa setengah2. Gak bisa main tarik ulur sama Tuhan. Just do your best and He will do the rest! Im going to trust that You know what You're doing Lord :)

BR: When God Write Your Love Story
Currently, Im reading this book :) Saya lagi suka baca buku tentang cinta2an nih aihh.. Realized that I fail (the most) in this area of life and I want to learn as many as I can.. Redeeming my single time until one day on God's timing finally I meet my prince charming.. Yah, gw penggemar novel. Apalagi karangan Sandra Brown, Julia Quinn, Agatha Christie, dan kawan2.. Baca novel bisa dalam 2hari selsai, tapi baca buku rohani 2bulan itu masi setengahnya kadang >.<
Well, back to this book again. Kemaren malem pas gw lagi baca2 nih buku, terus this couple of sentence captured my mind.
I finally realized that my lack of trust came directly back to the fact that I didn't truly know Him.. If I could have taken just a little peek into God's father heart, I mean just a little peek. I would have seen how much Je delights over me, how much He cherishes me and adores me.
Ehm.. bener banget yah.. Sering takut bagaimana ke depannya, langkah apa yg harus diambil etc. Kebimbangan, keputusasaan, keraguan, ketakutan semua campur jadi satu. Semua itu dikarenakan karena tidak benar2 tau dan mengenal hati Allah. Toh jelas2 Tuhan bilang, He will never forsake me and He will never leave me.
You must give up the little you're hanging onto now to gain something infinitely great. You must let go of the helm and allow Him to lead.
I pray oh God that You will help me to open up my eyes to things unseen. For I believe that Your ways is far beyond my ways and You always sees the bigger picture.
Masih banyak lagi yg bagus2 dari buku ini, penasaran? Beli dan baca sendiri ayokk.. Oh ya, kemaren itu gw juga abis baca buku Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe. Giling, ini buku top markotop deh. Dari semua buku relationship2 yg gw baca, so far ini yg menang gelar terbagus (di kamus gw). LOL! Tapi beneran bagus deh :) So detail and inspiring.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Four Management Lessons
Come across this funny yet inspiring story from my friend's twitter.. :)
Lesson One
A crow was sitting in a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?" The crow answered: "Sure, why not." So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Management Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
Lesson Two
A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy". "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fortnight, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.
Management Lesson: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
Lesson Three
When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss. The brain said, "I should be Boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions." The feet said, "We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go." The Hands said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money." And so it went on and on with the heart, the lungs and the eyes until finally the asshole spoke up. All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss. Promptly, the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work. Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered. Eventually they all decided that the asshole should be the Boss, so the motion was passed. All the other parts did all the work while the Boss just sat and passed out the shit!
Management Lesson: You don't need brains to be a Boss - any asshole will do.
Lesson Four
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold that the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped a load of hot, steaming dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of shit, it began to realize how warm it was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung. The cat promptly dug the bird out, killed him and ate him.
Management Lesson: Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy. Not everyone who pulls you out of shit is your friend. And when you're warm and happy in your pile of shit, keep your mouth shut!
Lesson One
A crow was sitting in a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?" The crow answered: "Sure, why not." So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Management Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
Lesson Two
A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy". "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fortnight, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.
Management Lesson: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
Lesson Three
When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss. The brain said, "I should be Boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions." The feet said, "We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go." The Hands said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money." And so it went on and on with the heart, the lungs and the eyes until finally the asshole spoke up. All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss. Promptly, the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work. Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered. Eventually they all decided that the asshole should be the Boss, so the motion was passed. All the other parts did all the work while the Boss just sat and passed out the shit!
Management Lesson: You don't need brains to be a Boss - any asshole will do.
Lesson Four
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold that the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped a load of hot, steaming dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of shit, it began to realize how warm it was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung. The cat promptly dug the bird out, killed him and ate him.
Management Lesson: Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy. Not everyone who pulls you out of shit is your friend. And when you're warm and happy in your pile of shit, keep your mouth shut!
Friday, November 04, 2011
Thanksgiving Thursday: Potential Cancer
Yuhu!! Kali ini gw mo cerita tentang bokap. Im shacking when I type this. CKckcKck. Jadi kan bokap and nyokap gw lagi ke Penang, to do general check up gitu. Sekalian visit my sister yang study disana juga.
Dede cewe gw bbm gw, ci uda tau belon hasil papa? Gw langsung lemes, I know this is not a good news. why? If this is a good news my dad will tell me directly. Dede gw bilang di ginjal bokap gw ada batu dan potensial untuk jadi kanker itu gede poll. Dikarenakan dia diabetes dan rokok. Dokter bilang minum obat untuk hancurin batunya dan 3bulan harus re-checkup again. And hopefully uda gone tuh batunya.
Gw langsung nangis donk yah when I heard that :( Hiks hiks.. Family is my top priority.. Jadi if something happen gw bisa panic at the disco.. Dede gw bbm gw sampe bilang gini.. Tuhaaannnn aduhhhh. Ini tuh uda kaya bad news one after another.. >.< Kemaren ini emang seperti lagi ada badai di keluarga gw.. Jadi I really can feel what my sister felt and why she shouted to God like that..
However in the mids of my cry. God remind me about His promises, believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household Acts 16:31.
And I wanna thank God, itu baru potensi, walo potensinya sangat tinggi itu hanya potensi. Dan ada waktu 3bulan dimana gw akan fight a good faith. I will pray I will fast and I will trust God, because He is the one who has the final say. Not doctor!!
And I wanna thank God again karena He always work in mirecaoulous ways. Lagi2 lewat Anita, si Anit tiba2 kirim gw link blog INI, baca yah bagus banget! Tentang cancer juga. padahal Anita belon tau cerita ini. Ada yg gw suka dari blog itu, dya bilang gini:
Dede cewe gw bbm gw, ci uda tau belon hasil papa? Gw langsung lemes, I know this is not a good news. why? If this is a good news my dad will tell me directly. Dede gw bilang di ginjal bokap gw ada batu dan potensial untuk jadi kanker itu gede poll. Dikarenakan dia diabetes dan rokok. Dokter bilang minum obat untuk hancurin batunya dan 3bulan harus re-checkup again. And hopefully uda gone tuh batunya.
Gw langsung nangis donk yah when I heard that :( Hiks hiks.. Family is my top priority.. Jadi if something happen gw bisa panic at the disco.. Dede gw bbm gw sampe bilang gini.. Tuhaaannnn aduhhhh. Ini tuh uda kaya bad news one after another.. >.< Kemaren ini emang seperti lagi ada badai di keluarga gw.. Jadi I really can feel what my sister felt and why she shouted to God like that..
However in the mids of my cry. God remind me about His promises, believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household Acts 16:31.
And I wanna thank God, itu baru potensi, walo potensinya sangat tinggi itu hanya potensi. Dan ada waktu 3bulan dimana gw akan fight a good faith. I will pray I will fast and I will trust God, because He is the one who has the final say. Not doctor!!
And I wanna thank God again karena He always work in mirecaoulous ways. Lagi2 lewat Anita, si Anit tiba2 kirim gw link blog INI, baca yah bagus banget! Tentang cancer juga. padahal Anita belon tau cerita ini. Ada yg gw suka dari blog itu, dya bilang gini:
Karena Tuhan berjanji bagi semua umatNya, Dia tidak pernah merancangkan kecelakaan even yang kita lihat sepertinya kecelakaan.This post is written for Thanksgiving Thursday, a program made to remind us to continuously count our blessings. Come and join us, or just simply come and read stories from other people. Click HERE
Melainkan rancangan damai sejahtera yang membawa kita kepada hari depan yang penuh harapan. (Yeremia 29:11)
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
My Dad is The Cutest
Sebenernya gw mao cerita hasil interview gw kemaren gimana. Tapi berhubung my eyes swollen wkwkw gw masi tepar banget gara2 macet gelo! Masi belon terbiasa sintinggggg.. Lebih cape dari naek gunung gw rasanya wkwk.
So I decided to write something funny (for me) about yesterday. Jadi begini ceritanya, kan gw interview di Kemang tuh, gw jarang banget ke daerah pelosok2 sana soalnya jauh poll dari rumah gw. Terus gw ga tau jalannya, dan pak supir juga gak tau. Then I bbm my dad, I asked him.. I thought he might know. Yah, kalo ada apa2 kebiasaan gw langsung cari my dad. Coz he is my hero yeay :)
Terus gak beberapa lama dya nelpon gw, dya bilang: itu kemang ada 2 ce jalannya. Dari alfamart kamu belok kiri, kamu coba telp ke nomor 012345678 dan ngomong sama Shinta. Terus gw bilang ooo, oke oke. Papa telpon ke sana? Iya ce, papa telpon kesana buat nanya jalan bilang dari papanya viryani yang mau interview.
Gw langsung *ngekngok* gubraksssss astaga!!!! Gw langsung ngoceh2 (anak gak tau diri) papa nih kenapa sih, malu tau gak. Kan bisa ani sendiri yg telp kenapa harus papa yg telpon!! Terus dalem hati gw bilang, pake bilang segala lagi papanya viryani dengan polosnya. Super SWT gw aduh.. *tepok jidat*
Terus pas gw pulang rumah, gw uda cape banget kan. Gw kalo lagi bete manyun gitu biasa deh, terus bokap gw cengangas cengenges nyamperin gw. Terus kita ngakak2. Terus gw tanya kok papa bisa2nya sih telpon kenapa ga suru ani yg telpon. Dya jawab: Abis papa panik anak papa nyasar gitu, abis tutup telpon baru sadar iya yah kenapa gak kamu aja yg telpon sendiri. #EAaAaaaaAaa
Begitulah ceritanya. >,< wkwkwkkw
So I decided to write something funny (for me) about yesterday. Jadi begini ceritanya, kan gw interview di Kemang tuh, gw jarang banget ke daerah pelosok2 sana soalnya jauh poll dari rumah gw. Terus gw ga tau jalannya, dan pak supir juga gak tau. Then I bbm my dad, I asked him.. I thought he might know. Yah, kalo ada apa2 kebiasaan gw langsung cari my dad. Coz he is my hero yeay :)
Terus gak beberapa lama dya nelpon gw, dya bilang: itu kemang ada 2 ce jalannya. Dari alfamart kamu belok kiri, kamu coba telp ke nomor 012345678 dan ngomong sama Shinta. Terus gw bilang ooo, oke oke. Papa telpon ke sana? Iya ce, papa telpon kesana buat nanya jalan bilang dari papanya viryani yang mau interview.
Gw langsung *ngekngok* gubraksssss astaga!!!! Gw langsung ngoceh2 (anak gak tau diri) papa nih kenapa sih, malu tau gak. Kan bisa ani sendiri yg telp kenapa harus papa yg telpon!! Terus dalem hati gw bilang, pake bilang segala lagi papanya viryani dengan polosnya. Super SWT gw aduh.. *tepok jidat*
Terus pas gw pulang rumah, gw uda cape banget kan. Gw kalo lagi bete manyun gitu biasa deh, terus bokap gw cengangas cengenges nyamperin gw. Terus kita ngakak2. Terus gw tanya kok papa bisa2nya sih telpon kenapa ga suru ani yg telpon. Dya jawab: Abis papa panik anak papa nyasar gitu, abis tutup telpon baru sadar iya yah kenapa gak kamu aja yg telpon sendiri. #EAaAaaaaAaa
Begitulah ceritanya. >,< wkwkwkkw
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
My Bundle Of Joy
Gila man hari ini gw cape banget poll polllann. Lebih lagi karena kesel macetnya ituloh ggrrr.. Untungnya pulang ada si putih sayang.. hihi, my bundle of joy. nih liat poto2nya closer look ;p Iniloh yg namanya enjo, perhatikan baik2 yah biar next time dikasi pertanyaan beda enjo ma yoyo mana bisa bedain wakaka.
Dia ikutin gw kemanapun gw pergi uda kaya bayangan gw aje. Btw, ini muka gw uda siap tidur punya. Terus pake bando shrek kenapa? Tuh bando favorite gw soalnya empuk bangett. Gw kalo pake bando yg biasa gitu ga bisa tahan lama2, soalnya belakang kuping sakit. Tapi yg ini beda banget empuk hihi. Nih tampang dekil gw:
There's just something about dogs that makes you feel good. You come home, they're thrilled to see you. -Janet Schnellman
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. -Billings
They [dogs] never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation.
- Jerome K. Jerome
Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe, we are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. -Roger Caras
Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. So the best gift you can give to your pet, is your time. -Billings
And this quote is really funny, I love this the most.
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving him only two of them. -Phil Pastoret
I thank God for such lovely friendly cutie fluffy and WHITE dog! Yes I love white dog :)
Dia ikutin gw kemanapun gw pergi uda kaya bayangan gw aje. Btw, ini muka gw uda siap tidur punya. Terus pake bando shrek kenapa? Tuh bando favorite gw soalnya empuk bangett. Gw kalo pake bando yg biasa gitu ga bisa tahan lama2, soalnya belakang kuping sakit. Tapi yg ini beda banget empuk hihi. Nih tampang dekil gw:
There's just something about dogs that makes you feel good. You come home, they're thrilled to see you. -Janet Schnellman
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. -Billings
They [dogs] never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation.
- Jerome K. Jerome
Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe, we are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. -Roger Caras
Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. So the best gift you can give to your pet, is your time. -Billings
And this quote is really funny, I love this the most.
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving him only two of them. -Phil Pastoret
I thank God for such lovely friendly cutie fluffy and WHITE dog! Yes I love white dog :)
Ini macet betul-betul butut
Usus-usus berteriak dalam perut
Saya sudah sangat mengkerut
Seperti sebuah kerucut
Semangatnya butuh dipecut
Biar muka gak kecut
Pulang rumah si papa nyengir
Mama bilang dengan nyinyir
Inilah Jakarta nak, kalau gak disihir
Macetnya gak mungkin jernih
Kaki dan mata uda super perih
Perlu dikasih daun sirih
Saya pusing dan lelah dan gemas
Liat anjing pingin saya remas-remas
Sebagai tempat pelampiasan yang pas
Biar senang harus dikasi emas
Ayo kasih saya punya kamu sampai tuntas! :p
Usus-usus berteriak dalam perut
Saya sudah sangat mengkerut
Seperti sebuah kerucut
Semangatnya butuh dipecut
Biar muka gak kecut
Pulang rumah si papa nyengir
Mama bilang dengan nyinyir
Inilah Jakarta nak, kalau gak disihir
Macetnya gak mungkin jernih
Kaki dan mata uda super perih
Perlu dikasih daun sirih
Saya pusing dan lelah dan gemas
Liat anjing pingin saya remas-remas
Sebagai tempat pelampiasan yang pas
Biar senang harus dikasi emas
Ayo kasih saya punya kamu sampai tuntas! :p
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