Another awesome video by Joel Osteen. This video is really another "how God truly meet what I need at the right time" experience. Nancep banget bokkk huhu.. Enjoy the video and be blessed :)
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Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Ladies, Few Things You Must Know Before Dating
My favorite author all the time, Myles Munroe. I love his writing soo muchhhh! Like I said earlier here. Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe is the book about relationship that I love the most so far comparing to other books. Not the other author not good enough, but I like Munroe's styles of writing :) So here please enjoy the video!
The first thing men need is not a woman. The most important thing a men need is a presence of God. And a woman should meet you in the presence!! WOW..
Pay more attention di menit-menit ke 6.. nancep bow..
The first thing men need is not a woman. The most important thing a men need is a presence of God. And a woman should meet you in the presence!! WOW..
Pay more attention di menit-menit ke 6.. nancep bow..
Monday, March 19, 2012
Only Once In Your Life
Only once in your life, I truly believe...
You find someone who can completely turn your world around.
You tell them things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful.
There is never any pleasure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it's like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn't exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day's work and always brings a smile to your face.
In their presence, there's no need for continuous conversation, but you find you're quiet content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon.
You open your heart knowing that there's a chance it may be broken one day in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.
-Bob Marley-
You find someone who can completely turn your world around.
You tell them things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful.
There is never any pleasure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it's like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn't exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day's work and always brings a smile to your face.
In their presence, there's no need for continuous conversation, but you find you're quiet content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon.
You open your heart knowing that there's a chance it may be broken one day in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.
-Bob Marley-
Monday, March 12, 2012
Xplode's 4th Anniversary
Hampir genap 6 bulan gw di Jakarta, ada up and down yg gw rasakan. Perjuangan cari kerja dan gereja juga termasuk salah satunya. Gw bener2 selective milih gereja, karena gw mao bertumbuh, tertanam dan impactful disana. And thank God, Dia mengirimkan CG pro 27 dengan Ko Ryan as a humble leader, gw bener2 merasa bertumbuh disini :)
Tapi kadang gw juga masih kangen poll2an sama Oikos, gereja lama gw. Disana tempat dimana Ani yg cincay2 and ngeflow dibentuk menjadi Ani yg tegas dan tau akan dasar2 firman Tuhan. Ani yg merasa married is my goal, berubah menjadi Ani yg sadar sepenuhnya kalo to be single/wife/mommy is a calling and one calling is not greater than the another. Ani yg sembrono acak kadut pelan2 jadi Ani yg sistematis.
Gw inget banget dulu gw disuru jadi ketua church camp pas gw masi berumur 18taon, dihadiri ooleh 40an orang dan berada di luar Singapore, gw stres berat dan merasa gak mampu. Tapiiii skrg gw bener2 bersyukur gw dikasi kesempatan ini , belajar banyak banget uy :D Dan pas gw umur 19taon, gw dipercayakan lead one cell group called LOG - Lamb of God.. Sama halnya, gw nangis bow pas gw ditunjuk. Gw tuh ga bisa ngomong depan orang, apalagi yg gw lead ini semua lebih tua 2-4taon dan gw yg paling kecil.. Kebayang donk stresnya gmn? BUT again He show me the wonder of His work. I lead for almost 3years until I forgood to Jakarta, dan waktu gw mo balik gw bener2 sedih banget, karena gw bener2 uda attached bgt sama mereka (yg gw kira gak mgkn kejadiaan haha). Dari yg ogah2an jadi GO, sampe jadi bener2 ngerti whats the meaning of sharing life.. Will share with you all the funny crazy stories about my cell group next time.. :P
Kita ini gereja isinya orang indo semua, rasa kekeluargaannya berasa banget.. Gereja kecil sih gak gede2 amat. Soalnya Singapore negara transit kan, banyak yg datang dan pergi within couple of years. But somehow I love small church.. Whereby everybody knows everybody and we greet with hugging instead of shacking hands :p Gereja ini adalah gereja yg ingin melihat anak2nya bertumbuh, melihat perubahan dan gebrakan di dalam hidup masing2 jemaatnya. Gereja yg mau kami anak2 muda all out buat Tuhan dan tidak menyia2kannya dengan narkoba, rokok, clubbing. Gereja yg rindu anak2nya pacaran kudus. Dan yg terlebih, Oikos is my family :)
Why I can be so sure about it? Karena gw pernah ada di posisi anak baru, yg dateng dan pergi begitu ajah, diajak komsel males, diajak gereja harus dibujuk dulu. Tapi disaat-saat itu gw benar2 ngerasain hatinya pemimpin2 buat gw.. Dan gw tertanam di Xplode.. bukan saya mau promosi yah.. But im telling you the truth :) No doubt kadang gw ada sleg sama leader gw, ato gesekan2.. tapi I am who I am today because of friends that I have, church where Im planted in.. And Im truly grateful for Oikos, especially Xplode :) Its true what Bible said in Proverbs 18:24, there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, cause Ive found ones :)
Xplode itu adalah komunitas youth dari gereja Oikos, dan baru ajah kemaren ini ultah yang ke4 :) Kalo looking back lagi, bener2 dehhh karya dan penyertaan Tuhan luar binasa ;p Ini gw repost dari Stephanie Zen *yes, she is the author of Perhaps you and many other books*
Untuk anniversary kali ini, temanya Unity in Love, and what’s special is that they had fine dining at church hall! Food served by all the leaders. Why only leaders? Because to give an example that to lead is to serve :)
Terus satu lagi yang paling istimewa.. we had Oikos Got Talent! “Oikos” is the way we call our cell group (it means “family” in Greek), so Oikos Got Talent berarti tiap Oikos harus menampilkan talentnya masing-masing, dan bakal di-vote oleh semua yang hadir di acara itu. Dan pemenangnya adalah LOG! My cellgroup *proud* ahaha, kalo masalah konyol2an oikos gw pasti menang dah :D Oh ya, LOG ini satu2nya CG yg isinya cewe semua, dulu ada cowo sih tapi pada balik semua, dan member barunya cewe semua.. Jadi kadang suka diplesetin Ladies Of God :) Dan semuanya medan lang kecuali gw jakarta. Semenjak gw gak ada, mereka komsel pake bahasa hokkian kali ;p How I miss you Xploders especially my girls!!
Tapi kadang gw juga masih kangen poll2an sama Oikos, gereja lama gw. Disana tempat dimana Ani yg cincay2 and ngeflow dibentuk menjadi Ani yg tegas dan tau akan dasar2 firman Tuhan. Ani yg merasa married is my goal, berubah menjadi Ani yg sadar sepenuhnya kalo to be single/wife/mommy is a calling and one calling is not greater than the another. Ani yg sembrono acak kadut pelan2 jadi Ani yg sistematis.
Gw inget banget dulu gw disuru jadi ketua church camp pas gw masi berumur 18taon, dihadiri ooleh 40an orang dan berada di luar Singapore, gw stres berat dan merasa gak mampu. Tapiiii skrg gw bener2 bersyukur gw dikasi kesempatan ini , belajar banyak banget uy :D Dan pas gw umur 19taon, gw dipercayakan lead one cell group called LOG - Lamb of God.. Sama halnya, gw nangis bow pas gw ditunjuk. Gw tuh ga bisa ngomong depan orang, apalagi yg gw lead ini semua lebih tua 2-4taon dan gw yg paling kecil.. Kebayang donk stresnya gmn? BUT again He show me the wonder of His work. I lead for almost 3years until I forgood to Jakarta, dan waktu gw mo balik gw bener2 sedih banget, karena gw bener2 uda attached bgt sama mereka (yg gw kira gak mgkn kejadiaan haha). Dari yg ogah2an jadi GO, sampe jadi bener2 ngerti whats the meaning of sharing life.. Will share with you all the funny crazy stories about my cell group next time.. :P
Kita ini gereja isinya orang indo semua, rasa kekeluargaannya berasa banget.. Gereja kecil sih gak gede2 amat. Soalnya Singapore negara transit kan, banyak yg datang dan pergi within couple of years. But somehow I love small church.. Whereby everybody knows everybody and we greet with hugging instead of shacking hands :p Gereja ini adalah gereja yg ingin melihat anak2nya bertumbuh, melihat perubahan dan gebrakan di dalam hidup masing2 jemaatnya. Gereja yg mau kami anak2 muda all out buat Tuhan dan tidak menyia2kannya dengan narkoba, rokok, clubbing. Gereja yg rindu anak2nya pacaran kudus. Dan yg terlebih, Oikos is my family :)
Why I can be so sure about it? Karena gw pernah ada di posisi anak baru, yg dateng dan pergi begitu ajah, diajak komsel males, diajak gereja harus dibujuk dulu. Tapi disaat-saat itu gw benar2 ngerasain hatinya pemimpin2 buat gw.. Dan gw tertanam di Xplode.. bukan saya mau promosi yah.. But im telling you the truth :) No doubt kadang gw ada sleg sama leader gw, ato gesekan2.. tapi I am who I am today because of friends that I have, church where Im planted in.. And Im truly grateful for Oikos, especially Xplode :) Its true what Bible said in Proverbs 18:24, there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, cause Ive found ones :)
Xplode itu adalah komunitas youth dari gereja Oikos, dan baru ajah kemaren ini ultah yang ke4 :) Kalo looking back lagi, bener2 dehhh karya dan penyertaan Tuhan luar binasa ;p Ini gw repost dari Stephanie Zen *yes, she is the author of Perhaps you and many other books*
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MC: Azen and Andrew. Andrew ini super kocak ;p |
Untuk anniversary kali ini, temanya Unity in Love, and what’s special is that they had fine dining at church hall! Food served by all the leaders. Why only leaders? Because to give an example that to lead is to serve :)
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Fellow leaders :) Cewe tinggi di tengah yg gantiin gw lead LOG |
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MC with Andi, ketua youth Xplode |
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Rozmina, Justina, Ellen, Erny, Hanny (GO), Catherine, Paustina |
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Its All By God's Grace
Gw abis baca postingan Louisa disini. Bagaimana cara dia memaavkan orang tuanya, dan gimana dia cerita 14 tahun yang lalu bonyoknya mengancam bunuh2an, namun sekarang bisa saling rangkul-rangkulan.. Its all by God's grace ALONE!
Dan pas baca post dia, ini mengingatkan gw ke 5tahun lalu. Dimana gw dilarang-larang ke gereja, dimana bokap gw marah2 pas gw komsel yang padahal notabenenya di rumah temen gw yang super deket sama gw, 2 kali salto sampe deh dari rumah gw ke rumah dia. I came from Buddhist family background yang lumayan kenceng. Pokoknya bokap anti banget deh gw ke gereja dll. Dan bukan hanya bokap, nyokap samimawon. Pernah pas gw di Singapore, gw sampe di telponin ditanyain apa gunanya, apa enaknya sih ke greja.
There's time dimana gw nyolong2 ke gereja, dicuekkin gara2 gw tetep pergi komsel, temen2 gereja gw di black-list, dengerin cemoohan katanya orang kristen tuh blabla. Tapi its all by God's grace karena gw tetep bisa bertahan dengan doa, puasa dan tentunya curahan air mata. And yes, theres time dimana gw impatient, dimana gw sebel kok kayanya Tuhan gak jawab doa gw? Dimana gw cape lelah dan almost give up.
One day, I vividly remember.. Bokap gw bilang, kalo ntar dya meninggal gak ada yang sembayangin dya donk? Ntar disana kalo dya kelaperan, miskin dll gmn? Kan kalo agama Buddhist tuh sering sembayangin makanan, bakar2 duit palsu etc. Pas dya bilang gitu, itu bener2 distract my heart.. Tapi its all by God's grace, He sent marvelous friends that always cheer me up and speak the truth about His words. Jadi dari sana gw decide, daripada gw stres mikirin perkataan bokap mending gw giat show ke dya kalo my God is a BIG God and He is alive!
Gw bergumul, dan satu hari di hari Minggu.. Ko Yakub, gembala gereja Oikos Singapore gw.. Dya bilang gini kurang lebi: "Kita tuh ibaratnya lagi tarik2an sama iblis ketika kita bener2 berdoa, tarik2an untuk menarik orang tua kita. Dan Tuhan gak akan tinggal diam liat anakNya usaha sendiri. Jadi jangan menyerah begitu saja dan tetap pada pengharapan."
Terus ada lagi Pastor Benyamin, guest speaker.. Dya bilang: "Kamu ingin keluargamu terselamatkan, tapi apa kamu kira doa sehari 3x yg diucapkan pada saat terimakasih atas makanan aja cukup? Kalau kamu mau something big happen, mau breakthrough atas hidupmu, keluargamu maka kamu perlu spent more time with God."
Bedeh gila nancep banget, uda beberapa taun lalu tapi gw gak akan pernah lupa. Disaat gw lemes dan cape, gw inget dua kalimat itu.. Gw gak akan nyerah dalam masa tarik2an sama iblis, dan gw bener2 give extra time to pray for my family, and bikin jadwal puasa sehari khusus hanya for their salvation.
Fast forward to now..
-. Awal2 gw balik jakarta gak bisa nyetir dan gak tau jalan. My dad yg anter jemput gw bolak balik ke GMS di CP, gereja gw. And it tooks 30-1hr including jam from my house to CP. Its all by God's grace!
-. Bulan lalu baru komsel di rumah gw! Dan yang nawarin itu nyokap gw! T___T God You are so goooodddd!
-. Gw udah gak pernah lagi dilarang2 mo gereja, bahkan kalo gw ga gereja dya yang nanyain kenapa kok gak pergi?
-. Gw ada jam malem di jakarta.. jadi jam 11.30 belon pulang, bokap uda manyun2. TAPI kalo gw pergi sama temen2 gereja gw, he feels secure!
Hal kecil2 gitu yang bener2 bikin gw realize, semuanya semata2 its all by God's grace ALONE! Mungkin it tooks 14years for Louisa untuk melihat keluarganya rujuk jadi better situation, it tooks 5years for me untuk ngelembutin and liat perubahan bonyok gw. And how about you? What is the problem that you are facing now, that seems never ending? It doesnt matter how long you will wait, believe me in the end its worth to wait :) Mari kita semua menunggu dalam pengharapan yang kekal di dalam Dia!
Dan pas baca post dia, ini mengingatkan gw ke 5tahun lalu. Dimana gw dilarang-larang ke gereja, dimana bokap gw marah2 pas gw komsel yang padahal notabenenya di rumah temen gw yang super deket sama gw, 2 kali salto sampe deh dari rumah gw ke rumah dia. I came from Buddhist family background yang lumayan kenceng. Pokoknya bokap anti banget deh gw ke gereja dll. Dan bukan hanya bokap, nyokap samimawon. Pernah pas gw di Singapore, gw sampe di telponin ditanyain apa gunanya, apa enaknya sih ke greja.
There's time dimana gw nyolong2 ke gereja, dicuekkin gara2 gw tetep pergi komsel, temen2 gereja gw di black-list, dengerin cemoohan katanya orang kristen tuh blabla. Tapi its all by God's grace karena gw tetep bisa bertahan dengan doa, puasa dan tentunya curahan air mata. And yes, theres time dimana gw impatient, dimana gw sebel kok kayanya Tuhan gak jawab doa gw? Dimana gw cape lelah dan almost give up.
One day, I vividly remember.. Bokap gw bilang, kalo ntar dya meninggal gak ada yang sembayangin dya donk? Ntar disana kalo dya kelaperan, miskin dll gmn? Kan kalo agama Buddhist tuh sering sembayangin makanan, bakar2 duit palsu etc. Pas dya bilang gitu, itu bener2 distract my heart.. Tapi its all by God's grace, He sent marvelous friends that always cheer me up and speak the truth about His words. Jadi dari sana gw decide, daripada gw stres mikirin perkataan bokap mending gw giat show ke dya kalo my God is a BIG God and He is alive!
Gw bergumul, dan satu hari di hari Minggu.. Ko Yakub, gembala gereja Oikos Singapore gw.. Dya bilang gini kurang lebi: "Kita tuh ibaratnya lagi tarik2an sama iblis ketika kita bener2 berdoa, tarik2an untuk menarik orang tua kita. Dan Tuhan gak akan tinggal diam liat anakNya usaha sendiri. Jadi jangan menyerah begitu saja dan tetap pada pengharapan."
Terus ada lagi Pastor Benyamin, guest speaker.. Dya bilang: "Kamu ingin keluargamu terselamatkan, tapi apa kamu kira doa sehari 3x yg diucapkan pada saat terimakasih atas makanan aja cukup? Kalau kamu mau something big happen, mau breakthrough atas hidupmu, keluargamu maka kamu perlu spent more time with God."
Bedeh gila nancep banget, uda beberapa taun lalu tapi gw gak akan pernah lupa. Disaat gw lemes dan cape, gw inget dua kalimat itu.. Gw gak akan nyerah dalam masa tarik2an sama iblis, dan gw bener2 give extra time to pray for my family, and bikin jadwal puasa sehari khusus hanya for their salvation.
Fast forward to now..
-. Awal2 gw balik jakarta gak bisa nyetir dan gak tau jalan. My dad yg anter jemput gw bolak balik ke GMS di CP, gereja gw. And it tooks 30-1hr including jam from my house to CP. Its all by God's grace!
-. Bulan lalu baru komsel di rumah gw! Dan yang nawarin itu nyokap gw! T___T God You are so goooodddd!
-. Gw udah gak pernah lagi dilarang2 mo gereja, bahkan kalo gw ga gereja dya yang nanyain kenapa kok gak pergi?
-. Gw ada jam malem di jakarta.. jadi jam 11.30 belon pulang, bokap uda manyun2. TAPI kalo gw pergi sama temen2 gereja gw, he feels secure!
Hal kecil2 gitu yang bener2 bikin gw realize, semuanya semata2 its all by God's grace ALONE! Mungkin it tooks 14years for Louisa untuk melihat keluarganya rujuk jadi better situation, it tooks 5years for me untuk ngelembutin and liat perubahan bonyok gw. And how about you? What is the problem that you are facing now, that seems never ending? It doesnt matter how long you will wait, believe me in the end its worth to wait :) Mari kita semua menunggu dalam pengharapan yang kekal di dalam Dia!
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.
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